Al Jazeera reports on the damage caused by Armenians to Azerbaijani civilians

Baku, May 4, AZERTAC
Qatar’s TV "Al Jazeera" has aired a report on the damage caused to the Azerbaijani civilians as a result of the Armenian artillery attacks.
The report prepared by TV channel from the front line begins with the words: "These frames don't reflect completely the scale of destructions as a result of regular firing of the Mahrizli village of the occupied Agdam region of Azerbaijan by the Armenian aggressors with use of heavy arms. And it is not the only place which was targeted to large-scale bombing by the Armenian armed forces. Many other villages along the front line and the Armenian-Azerbaijani border have also undergone similar attacks. These settlements in the last days of the last month have repeatedly undergone intensive fire by the Armenian armed units".
The reporters emphasize that the Armenian armed forces daily more than 100 times break the ceasefire on various directions of the front, and also along the border. At the same time, they use mortars, guns and other heavy weapon. These intensive firings lead to uncountable destructions in the settlements located near the front line and also to death and wound of considerable number of civilians. The wounded are brought to the medical aid stations located nearby. According to official news, after the last bombing by the Armenian armed forces hundreds of houses and civil objects have been destroyed or have come to an unsuitable state. The extensive damage has been caused to local infrastructure and farms of the population.
The reporters stress that as a result of the Armenia-Azerbaijan, Nagorno-Karabakh conflict more than one million Azerbaijanis have been ousted from their native lands. The UN Security Council has adopted in this regard 4 resolutions demanding immediate and unconditional withdrawal of the Armenian armed forces from the occupied Azerbaijani territories. However, Armenia still ignores these resolutions.