Declaration on allied interaction between the Republic of Azerbaijan and the Russian Federation

Baku, February 22, AZERTAC
As reported earler, on February 22, President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev and President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin signed a Declaration on “Allied Interaction between the Republic of Azerbaijan and the Russian Federation”.
Citing the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, AZERTAC presents the text of Declaration.
Declaration on Allied Interaction between the Republic of Azerbaijan and the Russian Federation
President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin and President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev,
Having comprehensively examined the current state and prospects for the development of Russian-Azerbaijani relations,
Relying on the historical traditions of friendship and good neighborliness, deep cultural and humanitarian ties between Russia and Azerbaijan and the peoples of the two countries,
Proceeding from the Treaty of Friendship, Cooperation and Mutual Security between the Russian Federation and the Republic of Azerbaijan signed on 3 July 1997, the Declaration of Friendship and Strategic Partnership between the Russian Federation and the Republic of Azerbaijan signed on 3 July 2008 and the Joint Statement of President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin and President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Ilham Heydar oglu Aliyev signed on 1 September 2018,
Striving to raise bilateral relations to a qualitatively new, the level of allied relations, which will fully meet the interests of the peoples of the Russian Federation and the Republic of Azerbaijan, contribute to the strengthening of regional and international security and stability,
Recognizing the importance of the coming together of the two countries in the political, economic, defense, cultural, humanitarian, educational, social spheres, as well as in the field of healthcare, youth cooperation and sports,
Expressing unwavering commitment to expanding the comprehensive and equal cooperation between the two countries on the basis of the principles of mutual respect and trust,
Driven by the desire to develop cooperation on issues of mutual interest in international and regional organizations of which the Russian Federation and the Republic of Azerbaijan are members,
Taking into account the interest of the Parties in developing integration processes within the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) and the key role of the Russian Federation in relevant efforts,
Following the purposes and principles of the Charter of the United Nations (UN), the Helsinki Final Act and other consensus documents of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE), the generally recognized principles and norms of international law,
Noting the importance of building a multipolar world based on international law and the central role of the United Nations in maintaining international peace and security,
Declare the following:
1. The Russian Federation and the Republic of Azerbaijan build their relations on the basis of allied interaction, mutual respect for independence, state sovereignty, territorial integrity and inviolability of the state borders of the two countries, as well as adherence to the principles of non-interference in each other's internal affairs, equality and mutual benefit, peaceful settlement of disputes and non-use of force or threat of force.
2. The Russian Federation and the Republic of Azerbaijan pursue an independent foreign policy aimed at protecting their national interests.
3. The Russian Federation and the Republic of Azerbaijan cooperate to strengthen peace, enhance stability and security both on a global and regional scale. The Parties attach particular importance to further strengthening the central role of the UN and the UN Security Council, the implementation of the goals and principles enshrined in the OSCE consensus documents, the prevention and resolution of conflicts and settlement of regional and global problems of security and stability.
4. The Russian Federation and the Republic of Azerbaijan, holding the same or similar positions on topical international issues, deepen constructive cooperation, including bilateral, and interact within the framework of the UN, the OSCE, the CIS, other international organizations and forums on issues of mutual interest.
5. The parties interact in the field of foreign policy activities in order to ensure stability and security in the Caucasus and Caspian regions.
6. The Russian Federation and the Republic of Azerbaijan express their readiness to hold urgent consultations in the event of a situation that, in the opinion of one of the Parties, may pose a threat to peace, disrupt the peace or affect the security interests of one of the Parties, as well as in the event of a threat of such a situation arising, for the purpose of its settlement.
7. The Russian Federation and the Republic of Azerbaijan refrain from any actions that, in the opinion of one of the Parties, damage the strategic partnership and allied relations of the two states. To this end, they are establishing a permanent mechanism of consultations through the ministries of foreign affairs of the two countries.
8. The Azerbaijani Party highly appreciates the mediating role of the Russian Federation in the complete ceasefire and cessation of all hostilities in the region in November 2020.
9. The Russian Federation and the Republic of Azerbaijan will continue to contribute in every possible way to the efforts to implement provisions of the statements of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan, the Prime Minister of the Republic of Armenia and the President of the Russian Federation dated 9/10 November 2020, 11 January 2021 and 26 November 2021, which served as a basis for strengthening stability and security, unblocking all economic and transport ties in the region and normalizing relations between the Republic of Azerbaijan and the Republic of Armenia.
10. The Parties will cooperate in addressing the problems arising from the provisions of the above statements and work closely at the regional and international levels to promote the establishment of long-term peace between the states of the region.
11. The Russian Federation and the Republic of Azerbaijan resolutely suppress on their territories the activities of organizations and persons directed against the state sovereignty, independence and territorial integrity of the other Party.
12. The Parties develop bilateral military-political cooperation that meets national interests and is not directed against third countries.
13. The Parties will deepen interaction between the armed forces of the Russian Federation and the Republic of Azerbaijan, including holding joint operational and combat training activities, as well as developing other areas of bilateral military cooperation.
14. The Parties, taking into account the high level of military-technical cooperation, interact on issues of provision of modern weapons and military equipment, as well as other areas of mutual interest.
15. The Parties intensify efforts to create service centers for maintenance, repair, modernization of weapons and military equipment, as well as organize joint production of various types of military products.
16. In order to ensure security, maintain peace and stability, the Russian Federation and the Republic of Azerbaijan may consider the possibility of providing each other with military assistance on the basis of the UN Charter, separate international treaties and taking into account the existing international legal obligations of each of the Parties.
17. The Parties refrain from any actions, including those carried out through third states, directed against each other.
18. The Russian Federation and the Republic of Azerbaijan join their efforts in countering and neutralizing the threats of international terrorism, extremism and separatism, transnational organized crime, illicit trafficking in weapons, narcotic drugs and their precursors, human trafficking and crimes in the field of information and communication technologies, as well as other new security challenges. In this context, the Parties exchange information and closely cooperate in identifying and suppressing the channels for financing this illegal activity.
19. The Russian Federation and the Republic of Azerbaijan consider the Convention on the Legal Status of the Caspian Sea dated 12 August 2018 as a reliable legal basis for maintaining and strengthening security and stability in the Caspian region, including the promotion of agreed confidence-building measures, an atmosphere of good neighborliness and mutual understanding, respect for the interests of all Caspian states.
20. The Parties reaffirm the importance of all the principles of the activities of the Parties in the Caspian Sea provided for in the Convention on the Legal Status of the Caspian Sea for the development of cooperation in the Caspian region, the exercise of sovereignty, sovereign and exclusive rights of coastal states, as well as the exercise of their jurisdiction in the Caspian Sea.
21. The Russian Federation and the Republic of Azerbaijan take effective measures to ensure the legitimate rights and interests of citizens and legal entities of one Party in the territory of the other Party in accordance with their international obligations and national legislation.
22. The Parties will continue to provide comprehensive assistance to the operation of the Intergovernmental Commission on Economic Cooperation between the Russian Federation and the Republic of Azerbaijan, which is of great importance for ensuring the sustainable growth of trade and economic ties between the two countries.
23. The Parties, attaching great importance to sustainable development and the effective use of the economic potential of both states, will cooperate in the implementation of economic reforms, promote the implementation of the Action Plan on the development of key areas of Russian-Azerbaijani cooperation signed on 1 September 2018 in order to deepen economic interaction between the two countries, create favorable conditions for the free movement of goods and services in accordance with the obligations arising from bilateral and multilateral agreements, and in order to promote regional economic cooperation.
24. The Russian Federation and the Republic of Azerbaijan intend to deepen mutually beneficial trade and economic, investment, scientific and technical cooperation, raise production and scientific cooperation and direct ties between economic entities of all forms of ownership to a qualitatively new level.
25. The Russian Federation and the Republic of Azerbaijan will refrain from carrying out any economic activity that causes direct or indirect damage to the interests of the other Party.
26. The Parties, within the framework of their respective national legislations, will promote the further development of economic ties between the enterprises of metallurgy, oil, gas and heavy engineering, aviation, automotive, chemical, pharmaceutical and light industries, agricultural, road construction and food engineering.
27. The Russian Federation and the Republic of Azerbaijan express their readiness, within the framework of their respective national legislations and monetary policies, to promote the activities of credit and banking organizations, the development of cooperation between financial institutions, the establishment of joint ventures, including financial and industrial groups, industries and other organizational and economic structures.
28. The Parties will promote the use of national currencies in mutual settlements, the integration of payment systems, including the joint servicing of bank cards, as well as the development of direct correspondent relations between the banks of the two countries.
29. The Parties intend to achieve progressive development of the potential of transit and transport interaction using the technologies of intelligent transport systems, provide the technical and economic conditions for the sustainable full-scale operation of the North-South international transport corridor.
30. The Parties will support each other's efforts in resolving issues of ensuring the security and uninterrupted operation of international transport corridors passing through their territories, and provide each other with favorable conditions for transit traffic within the framework of their respective national legislations and bilateral agreements.
31. The Russian Federation and the Republic of Azerbaijan, working closely to stimulate international energy cooperation and strengthen global energy security on an equal and mutually beneficial basis, intend to deepen cooperation in the fuel and energy sector, including the field of exploration and development of oil and gas fields, transportation of energy resources, the implementation of efficient infrastructure projects, as well as the areas of alternative and renewable energy sources and energy efficiency.
32. The Parties will consider the possibilities of developing mutually beneficial cooperation in the field of the peaceful use of atomic energy.
33. The Russian Federation and the Republic of Azerbaijan will promote the development of joint projects in the field of information and communication technologies, the organization of direct communication channels between Russian and Azerbaijani telecommunications operators, including the creation of effective conditions for the exchange of high-quality voice traffic.
34. The Parties will promote the establishment of cooperation, including through holding specialized consultations, between relevant institutions and organizations of the two countries, on a wide range of issues related to international information security, mass media, people’s and public diplomacy.
35. The Parties will promote the development of relations and the exchange of experience in the field of the agro-industrial complex, including the supply of agricultural products, the use of advanced technologies for the production, processing and storage of agricultural products, as well as compliance with phyto-sanitary standards.
36. The Russian Federation and the Republic of Azerbaijan interact within the framework of various international economic, financial and other organizations and institutions, providing each other with support in participating in them, or, if one Party is interested, in joining international organizations of which the other Party is a member.
37. The Parties will develop cooperation in the field of healthcare, the implementation of joint projects in the field of ensuring the sanitary and epidemiological welfare of the population, including the fight against infectious diseases, and also explore the possibilities of establishing cooperation in the field of biological safety.
38. The Russian Federation and the Republic of Azerbaijan intend to strengthen inter-parliamentary cooperation.
39. The Parties will promote the development of cooperation between the regions of the Russian Federation and the Republic of Azerbaijan in order to create favorable conditions for effective interaction, strengthening trade, economic, cultural and humanitarian ties.
40. The Parties intend to promote in every possible way the preservation of the spiritual and cultural closeness of the peoples of the two countries, ensure the protection, preservation and development of the historical, cultural and religious heritage, as well as the ethnic, linguistic and cultural identity of national minorities living in the territories of the Parties, create conditions for the active participation of their representatives in public, political, cultural and socioeconomic life in accordance with their respective national legislations. In this regard, the Parties will take steps to encourage the activities of diaspora organizations within the framework of their respective national legislations, which would contribute to the expansion of economic, cultural and humanitarian ties between the Russian Federation and the Republic of Azerbaijan.
41. The Russian Federation and the Republic of Azerbaijan will continue to deepen mutual ties in the fields of culture and art, education, science, tourism and sports, promote the establishment of ties between public and youth organizations, educational organizations and educational institutions, innovation centers, and the media in both bilateral and multilateral formats.
42. Each Party will support on its territory the activities of the other Party aimed at developing humanitarian, scientific, technical, cultural and information ties, including through information and cultural centers, on the basis of bilateral agreements and within the framework of their respective national legislations.
43. The Parties will contribute to deepening cooperation in the field of concert and touring activities, library and museum affairs, cinematography and education in the field of culture, as well as holding large-scale cultural and educational events.
The Declaration was signed on 22 February 2022 in Moscow, in two original copies, in Russian and Azerbaijani, with both texts being equally authentic.