The Azerbaijan State News Agency



With a view of streamlining of the procedure of registration of the visas to foreigners and persons without citizenship coming to the Azerbaijan Republic I hereby decide:

1. In the Decree of the President of the Azerbaijan Republic dated August 5, 2008 number 805 “On application of the Law of the Azerbaijan Republic datewd June 24, 2008 number 658-IIIQD “On the development of migratory control system” and “On making amendments and changes in some acts of the Azerbaijan Republic” (Collection of the legislation of the Azerbaijan Republic, 2008, #8, Article 713; 2009, #7, Article 532) to make following changes and amendments:

1.1. exclude paragraph 4.4;

1.2. the paragraphs 5.1.1 and 5.1.2 to consider accordingly as the paragraphs 5.1.2 and 5.1.3, to amend with the paragraph 5.1.1 of the following content:

“5.1.1. Powers provided by the first part of the Article 14 of the “corresponding executive body” are carried out by the President of the Azerbaijan Republic”;

1.3. from the paragraph 5.1.3 to exclude words “and the first part of Article 14”.

2. To establish that foreigners and persons without citizenship can address with the application for visa reception directly to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Azerbaijan Republic only in following cases:

2.1. in the cases provided by interstate or intergovernmental contracts of the Azerbaijan Republic;

2.2. during entrance to the Azerbaijan Republic under the official invitation of the President of the Azerbaijan Republic, the Prime Minister of the Azerbaijan Republic, Chairman of the Milli Majlis of the Azerbaijan Republic, the head of Presidential Administration of the Azerbaijan Republic, the Chairman of the Supreme Majlis of the Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic;

2.3. during entrance to the Azerbaijan Republic on the basis of coordinated with the State Migratory Service of the Azerbaijan Republic of the official invitation of the Chairman of the Constitutional Court of the Azerbaijan Republic, the Chairman of the Supreme Court of the Azerbaijan Republic, the general public prosecutor of the Azerbaijan Republic, the Ombudsman of the Azerbaijan Republic, the chairman of the Central Election Commision of the Azerbaijan Republic, the head of the central executive body;

2.4. during entrance to the Azerbaijan Republic of the employees of diplomatic representations functioning in the Azerbaijan Republic and consulates of foreign countries, and also representations of the international organizations, the persons included in staff of the administrative-technical service and members of their families, and also foreigners - with special diplomatic mission;

2.5. during entrance to the Azerbaijan Republic on official representation of the Ministry of Emergencies of the Azerbaijan Republic for the purpose of participation in liquidation of the consequences of emergencies;

2.6. during entrance to the Azerbaijan Republic in connection with death of a member of the family living in the Azerbaijan Republic (on the basis of the document confirming death of a member of a family).

3. The resolution of the Cabinet of the Azerbaijan Republic dated February 23, 2010 # 40 "On establishment of the cases of addressing by the foreigners and persons without citizenship with the application for visa reception directly to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Azerbaijan Republic” to consider repealed.

4. To charge to the Cabinet of the Azerbaijan Republic within a month:

4.1. to provide bringing of the normative-legal acts of the Cabinet of the Azerbaijan Republic and corresponding central executive bodies in conformity with the present Decree and inform on it the President of the Azerbaijan Republic;

4.2. within its powers to solve other questions following from the present Decree.

5. To charge to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Azerbaijan Republic:

5.1. to inform corresponding bodies of foreign countries about the changes made in the procedure of the registration of visas;

5.2. to provide conducting registration of the official invitations stipulated by the paragraph 2 of the present Decree.

6. The present Decree comes into effect since October 15, 2010.

Ilham Aliyev

President of the Azerbaijan Republic

Baku, September 13, 2010.

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