Decree of the President of the Azerbaijan Republic
On write-off of the debts of the population for using services of supply of potable water and the sewerage system
Last years in settlements of the republic the important measures are taken directed on improvement of maintenance of the population with potable water and services connected with it. Under implementation is a number of important projects on reconstruction and development of systems of water supply and sewerage, new objects of water supply and sewerage system are under construction and put in operation, other necessary measures are also carried out.
The taken measures make positive impact on uninterrupted maintenance of the population with potable water.
With a view of creation of conditions for acceleration of execution of the provided works directed on improvement of supply of the population with potable water, and maintenance of the further improvement of living conditions of the population I hereby resolve:
1. To write off population debts for services of supply with potable water and water sewerage to the Azersu Open Joint-Stock Company for February 1, 2011 at amount of 294,2 million AZN.
2. The Azersu Open Joint-Stock Company shall:
2.1. within 10-day term direct to each consumer a notification on the amount of the debt which has been written off according to the part 1 of present Decree, and the debt which appeared after February 1, 2011;
2.2. undertake necessary measures for full payment of cost of services of water supply rendered to consumers and the water sewerage, and prevention of new debts.
3. Cabinet of the Azerbaijan Republic:
3.1. with a view of write-off of debts of the population on the basis of the part 1 of present Decree, to take appropriate measures for write-off of the accounts payable of the Azersu Open Joint-Stock Company at amount of the written off debts;
3.2. solve other questions following from the present Decree.
Ilham Aliyev
President of the Azerbaijan Republic
Baku, April 8, 2011