FM Bayramov: Armenia’s brazen attempts to exploit the Security Council to whitewash its internationally wrongful acts must be desisted

Baku, September 22, AZERTAC
“At a time when practical implementation of disarmament and demilitarization on the ground starts, accompanied by direct dialogue between Armenian residents and central Azerbaijani officials, the consideration of the situation by international community should correspond to existing realities in order to remain relevant and helpful.
On the contrary, one-sided and biased approach driven by short-sighted political considerations or lobby connections, which mostly is at the core of calling this debate at the Security Council, is utterly counter-productive and unhelpful,” said Azerbaijan’s Minister of Foreign Affairs Jeyhun Bayramov as he addressed the 9422nd Meeting of the UN Security Council.
“Reliance on such a course of action failed on several previous occasions. This can only lead to distracting the focus from real process of normalization, which is not in interest of either of Azerbaijan or Armenia, but please the whims of certain outside forces that continue to manipulate existing differences for their own political purposes.
Therefore, at this critical time when there is a historic opportunity to eventually establish good-neighborly relations between Armenia and Azerbaijan after 30-year-lasted bloody conflict, it is ever more important for entire international community, including the Security Council, to adequately comprehend the risks and threats associated with Armenia’s destructive actions, and to resolutely desist Armenia’s brazen attempts to exploit the Security Council to whitewash its internationally wrongful acts,” the minister noted.