As stated, discussed were issues of veto imposed by the President of the Azerbaijan Republic on the Law “On public TV” adopted on January 9, 2004 by Milli Majlis, joining the Convention “On protection of children and cooperation in connection with interstate adoption”, statements of the agreement “On mutual administrative assistance concerning the prevention of customs offences, carrying out of their investigation, revealing and elimination between the government of the Azerbaijan Republic and the government of France” and creation of Kengerli administrative region in the Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic.
On the reasons of returning of the Law “On public TV”, the head of department on affairs of legislation and legal examination of President Administration Shahin Aliev made report.
Then, head of working group Rizvan Jabiyev who has prepared, said that taking into account necessity of exact definition for the Law of the status of the legal person of public TV, procedure of the legal control of National TV and Radio Council over the public TV, the terms and bases for transmission on public TV of the official information, absence of participation of the President of the Azerbaijan Republic in assignment of director of the Council of public transmission, necessity of direct inclusion of text on the conditions of further financing the public TV to the Law on the basis of subscription payment, the President, under the Article 110-1 of the Constitution, did not sign the document and has returned it to Milli Majlis for repeated discussion.
Having noted that the remarks of President connected to the Law, are quite fair, the deputies have recognized expedient to amend the document.
The second question of the agenda caused hot debates, the project of the Convention was returned to the corresponding commission for repeated consideration.
Other questions have found the positive decision.