Decree of President of the Republic of Azerbaijan On conscription of citizens of the Republic of Azerbaijan into the active military service and transfer on the servicemen from active military service to reserve units on January 1-30, 2011
Under the Law of the Republic of Azerbaijan “On bases of the call up in the Republic of Azerbaijan”, to bring up to strength the Armed Forces of Azerbaijan Republic and other armed units stipulated by legislation, I hereby, resolve:
1. The citizens of Azerbaijan Republic born in 1993 who are 18 years of age on the day of conscription, as well as those born in 1976-1992 and are under the age of 35 and citizens of Azerbaijan Republic who have no rights of deferral of services in the Republic`s armed forces and other military formations are to be conscripted into active military service on January 1-30, 2011.
2. Consequently, the soldiers, seamen and sergeants who served a term of service envisaged by the Law of the Azerbaijan Republic “On military service” are to be discharged on January 1-30, 2011.
3. The Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Azerbaijan and local bodies of executive powers are to take measures envisaged by the Law fore the implementation of this Decree.
Ilham Aliyev,
President of the Republic of Azerbaijan
City of Baku, 11 December 2011