Decree of the President of the Azerbaijan Republic
On creation of Management of the Complex of the area of National Flag under the Cabinet of the Azerbaijan Republic
At the same time, activity of the area of the National Flag which has become one of the symbols of capital is connected with operation of difficult technical designs.
Taking into consideration the mentioned and also special importance of the Complex of the area of National Flag in the city of Baku in political life of Azerbaijan, I, hereby, resolve:
1. To create Management of the Complex of the area of National Flag under the Cabinet of the Azerbaijan Republic.
2. To establish that the state control over implementation of measures on the conditions, activity, perspective development and protection of the Complex of the area of National Flag in the city of Baku is carried out by Management of the Complex of the area of National Flag under the Cabinet of the Azerbaijan Republic.
3. To charge the Cabinet of the Azerbaijan Republic within a month:
3.1. to prepare and submit to the President of the Azerbaijan Republic for approval of the Regulations draft on Management of the Complex of the area of National Flag under the Cabinet of the Azerbaijan Republic;
3.2. to submit to the President of the Azerbaijan Republic of the offers on staff and number of workers of Management of the Complex of the area of National Flag under the Cabinet of the Azerbaijan Republic;
3.3. to define and confirm borders of territory of the Complex of the area of National Flag in the city of Baku;
3.4. to solve financial questions and the questions of material support connected with the organization of activity of Management of the Complex of the area of National Flag under the Cabinet of the Azerbaijan Republic;
3.5. to prepare and submit to the President of the Azerbaijan Republic of the offer on bringing of the acting legislature to conformity with the present Decree;
3.6. to provide bringing of regulatory legal acts of the Cabinet of the Azerbaijan Republic and relevant central enforcement bodies in conformity with the present Decree and inform on it the President of the Azerbaijan Republic;
3.7. to solve other questions following from the present Decree.
Ilham Aliyev
The president of the Azerbaijan Republic
City of Baku, November 24, 2010