The Azerbaijan State News Agency


From Board of the Eurasian Regional Center of Islamic Cooperation Youth Forum

His Excellency Mr. Ilham Aliyev, President of the Republic of Azerbaijan

The Honourable President,

On the occasion of Your Excellency's 60th anniversary, it gives us an utmost honor and privilege to extend to Your Excellency our cordial congratulations together with the warmest and sincerest wishes for every success in Your important mission.

Your Excellency's firm stand in boosting the development of youth of the OIC countries indicated in your generous and critical support in holding the Founding General Assembly of Islamic Cooperation Youth Forum (ICYF) in Baku, in 2004, continuing strong support toward the institutionalization and development of the ICYF as international institution affiliated to the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) and hosting of the Eurasian Regional Center of ICYF (ICYF-ERC) in Baku by the Government of the Republic of Azerbaijan serves as prime example for leaders in our region. We are very proud of Your Excellency's referring to the establishment of ICYF as the solid contribution of the Republic of Azerbaijan towards the OIC. We, the board of ICYF-ERC are proud of Your Excellency's trust, support and leadership and try our best to match the level of dedication drawn by Your Excellency.

As a result of the successful domestic and foreign policy of the Victorious Commander-in-Chief, Azerbaijan liberated its lands from occupation and put an end to the 30-year-long injustice. This victory is celebrated not only by the people of Azerbaijan but also all the Muslim youth. We are also impressed by Your Excellency's well-willed aspirations and commendable stance towards the revival of the liberated territories.

On this special occasion, we have the honor to express once again the best wishes for your noble activities in support of the OIC solidarity and for development of the people of brotherly Azerbaijan together. Praying for the best of health, success and prosperity for you and your family, please, the Honourable President, accept assurances of our highest consideration and continuing best regards.

Board of the Eurasian Regional Center of Islamic Cooperation Youth Forum

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