The Azerbaijan State News Agency


From Thierry Mariani, Member of the European Parliament

Mr. President,

On the occasion of your birthday, please receive my sincere congratulations and my warmest wishes for happiness and prosperity. Allow me also to wish you an excellent year 2025; I hope it will be synonymous with peace and success.

Throughout my various terms, I have had the honour of visiting Azerbaijan on numerous occasions and engaging in constructive exchanges with its representatives.

The past year has been marked by significant progress, particularly in the process of territorial demarcation. This achievement reflects your determination to ensure your country's territorial integrity and stability in the South Caucasus, while easing relations with your neighbors.

Moreover, Azerbaijan's strategic role in strengthening regional connectivity continues to grow, notably through the Middle Corridor project linking Central Asia, the South Caucasus, and Europe. These ambitious initiatives contribute not only to regional prosperity but also reinforce your country's position as a key player in Eurasian economic development.

Please receive my sincere encouragement for your future projects. I wish you a very happy holiday season.

Please accept, Mr. President, the expression of my highest consideration.



Thierry Mariani

Member of the European Parliament

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