The Azerbaijan State News Agency



On the eve of the official visit to Turkey, President of the Azerbaijan Republic Ilham Aliyev gave an interview to country’s TV channel “Saman Yolu”.

AzerTAj offers its readers the text of the interview.

- Extremely important actions were commenced for the people of Azerbaijan to look to the future with confidence, and this process is now going on. What kind of work are you carrying out for the Azerbaijani people to live under more peaceful and secure conditions? How do you see Azerbaijan’s place in the world. What is you goal and what are you doing to reach it?

- Azerbaijan is a dynamically developing country. The economic reforms in the country bring good results. This policy had been carrying out by our President Heydar Aliyev since 1993, and has to be continued in future. During first years of independence, Azerbaijan faced great difficulties: there was economic, political and military crisis in the country. Revival of the economy was one of the most important tasks of our President, and he managed to do so. Our country has been revived, and today it rapidly progressing. Average economic growth makes up about 10 percents per year, while inflation rate does not exceed 2-3 percents. At the same time, I have to mention that large foreign investments are made in Azerbaijan. All these factors make our economy economically stronger. From this standpoint, the policy of economic reforms will be continued.

Since my presidency, I have taken important steps: very significant programs for have been passed for social and economic development of our country. A program of social and economic development of Azerbaijan’s provinces is now being implemented, as well. To reach all the objectives – to turn the country into powerful state – peace and stability is “a must”. We have achieved it too. From this point of view, Azerbaijan is a stable country.

We are integrating into the World community. Azerbaijan has managed to hold a worthy place here. Our country takes active part in the activities of the international organizations, is a member of the Council of Europe, and closely cooperating with the European Union. Therefore, Azerbaijan will further develop this direction, strengthen economically and take more important position in the region.

- How do you see the picture of settlement of the conflict between economically strong Azerbaijan having firm foreign relations and Armenia, in the coming years.

- Of course, it will have a great positive effect on the conflict’s resolution. Today’s budget of Azerbaijan is three times as much as Armenia’s. Tomorrow, it will be 5-10 times larger. Armenia has no any prerequisites to economic development; the country is isolated from the international community. Azerbaijan, on the contrary, is closely cooperating in the region with Turkey, Georgia and other countries. Of course, increasing our economic, and therefore military potential, I am sure, will strengthen our position concerning settlement of the Armenia-Azerbaijan Nagorny Karabakh.

- Mr. President, You make statements on Nagorny Karabakh issue in a regular manner. The international structures e.g. OSCE directly involved in the conflict’s settlement, do not take any concrete steps for a long time dragging out the resolution of the problem. Do you think the Karabakh conflict will be settled in the near future, and what kind of steps must be taken to this end?

- We hope for resolution of the conflict, as it is no longer possible to put up with the situation. It is necessary to put an end to double standards existing in the world. A number of international organizations have already recognized Armenian as an aggressor – the issue has been reflected in the official documents of the Council of Europe, and will shortly be submitted for discussion at the COE enlarged meeting. The European Union has appointed special representative for Southern Caucasus that also is a very positive factor. Simultaneously, the question was raised at the European Parliament, where evidences of the fair position of Azerbaijan were demonstrated. The tendencies are in favor of ours. We are, of course, not satisfied with the activity of the OSCE Minsk Group, as it remains unsuccessful. I hope, however, for serious proposals from them. First of all, Azerbaijani lands must be released from the occupants. This is our fair demand. After that the issue of Nagorny Karabakh could be discussed.

There are two principles, which constitute the contradiction. I want to make things clear. The principle, which Azerbaijan follows – that of territorial integrity – is very important for every country. We recognize territorial integrity of all countries, and demand that our territorial integrity to be recognized and restored. Armenia proceeds from the principle of self-determination of the nation. This means that Armenians living in Nagorny Karabakh, they say, have to be self-determined deciding if Nagorny Karabakh should be independent or join Armenia. But, firstly, we will never agree that, and have issued related statements more than once. We will always adhere to this position. Otherwise, Armenians will approach like this in all countries of their living including Georgia, Turkey, America and France. Armenian people have already self-determined – they have Armenian state. Neither international community nor we are going to put up with it.

- Turkey, Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan in particular, can be involved in the settlement of the Karabakh conflict, the same as it took active mediator part in the Cyprus problem. Will this issue be touched on during the negotiations?

- Turkey has always been with us at all times. We appreciate its help in the settlement of the Karabakh problem, as well. Of course, we would like Turkey to play more active part, but Armenia should also positively react… Anyway, we would like it very much.

- During the last week, Azerbaijan press and television have been seriously discussing alleged opening borders between Turkey and Armenia. What do you think about it?

- There is no any official statement. During my visit to Turkey in Prime Minister capacity in September last year, Turkey’s leaders unanimously stated that the border will not be open until the Nagorny Karabakh problem is settled. We do not believe this may occur. I think each historical stage has its own demands – economic interests, pressures. In the early 90s, Azerbaijan was subject to pressure more that once when announce its intention to realize Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan project. We withstood the test although Azerbaijan was then very weak.

But Turkey is a great state, and it will also withstand the pressures. I am sure that this issue will not cause damage to the bilateral relations. Turkey-Azerbaijan brotherhood, friendship and unity are eternal notions.

- Mr. President, on the way of admission to the European Union Turkey has overcome a large distance. At the end of this year discussions will begin. And Azerbaijan becomes the country located on border with the European Union. What will give to Azerbaijan the admission of Turkey into the European Union? Second, what distance was overcome by Azerbaijan in the direction to the European Union, whether your country intends to enter this organization, what work is carried out for conformity to its criteria?

- Once again I want to note that the happiness of Turkey is happiness of Azerbaijan. To each step undertaken on advantage of Turkey, we are pleased in the same degree. Certainly, we very much want that in the near future Turkey became a member of the European Union and that will be the end of injustice which took place till this time. This is also display of double standards. We all think of why on references of the countries, which have wished already after Turkey to become members of the European Union, positive reaction has been given, and concerning Turkey such positive approach is not shown. Why? Turkey by all criteria can become a member of the European Union and bring to Europe very big advantage. Look, these double standards again create barrier before us. But I believe that in the world and Europe will fairly approach to this question, and Turkey shortly becomes a member of the European Union. Certainly, it will bring a great advantage to economy of Turkey. This will benefit also Azerbaijan. I repeatedly spoke that we also see the future in integration into the European structures and the world community. From this point of view, Azerbaijan has already carried out certain steps. We cooperate with the European Union and other structures. Certainly, and further we shall go this way.

- You represented Azerbaijan in the Council of Europe and well know the Europeans. Whether they understand us, whether sincere are they with us? Hardly earlier you spoke about double standards both in the question of Nagorny Karabakh, and in the question of membership of Turkey in the European Union. Whether they understand our internal policy, whether we can present us to the Europeans?

- You know, it is, certainly, long process. I can tell that at the first sessions after the admission of Azerbaijan into the Council of Europe we have seen that they, in general, do not have any information about Nagorny Karabakh. They were not enough aware of the truth. Due to the activity, which has been carried out by us together with representatives of Turkey, the topic of Nagorny Karabakh is not only discussed there, but even the report prepares.

The Political Committee has appointed a special reporter who in the near future will prepare a report, and, thus, the Council of Europe will make a political estimation to the Armenian -Azerbaijan conflict. I think, that it is our big success. The Armenian side in all ways opposes it. But, I reiterate, we should effectively conduct our propagation. That the European Union, the Council of Europe, other international structures knew us better, we should strengthen our propagation even more. If we shall not conduct this activity, then, naturally, they will not have enough information on us. It is the task assigned to us, and we should execute it.

- Mr. President, in forthcoming days you for the first time will be in Turkey as the Head of the State. What themes will be on the foreground at your meetings with the heads of Turkey?

- I consider that the wide spectrum of questions - political relations between two countries, further cooperation and discussions on economically important projects. Our trade and economic relations amplify, and we are interested in increase in volume of commodity circulation. At the same time, we cooperate with Turkey in all areas - cultural, military, economic, and political fields. Certainly, all these questions will be discussed. Certainly, construction of the Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan oil pipeline will be discussed. As you know, we have achieved big successes in solution of the said question and we have large achievements. We have achieved transformation of this project from a myth into a reality. Questions to be discussed are much, and all of them will be considered.

- Turkish businessmen come to Azerbaijan, carry out activity in many branches, except for a petroleum industry, in the petroleum industry other countries more work. Whether it is possible to simplify inflow of foreign investments to Azerbaijan? In particular, in what branches the Turkish businessmen, in your opinion, should work?

- In Azerbaijan the favorable circumstances for investment of foreign investments, the fine investment environment has been created. Otherwise, the foreign companies would not put here the investments estimated in billions of dollars. I can tell that Azerbaijan is in the lead among all former Soviet republics on volume of investments per capita. The contracts representing value for the future of our country are confirmed by Milli Majlis. The, the President signs the said documents, as laws. It instills in investors confidence that the achieved arrangements will stay constant. It is extremely important.

We, certainly, are interested in that investments were put in all branches of economy of Azerbaijan. Turkish businessmen successfully work in Azerbaijan, are engaged here in the important affairs. We are very pleased with their activity and in the sector of service, both in the industry and in oil sector. Certainly, we would like that it was put more investments. Every country wants it. In fact, it is necessary for the future, economic development of the country, this is and my wish. I repeatedly met, talked to the Turkish businessmen and each time called on them to put investments. Our doors are open for the Turkish businessmen, we are ready to create for them - and we do it - the best conditions. We would be very glad, if our brothers would work here more actively.

- One of the largest projects of our late President is the “Contract of the Century”. Construction of the Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan oil pipeline proceeds. At what stage there are the construction works, whether they will come to and end in due time, according to the schedule? At what stage is the project of the Baku-Tbilisi-Erzurum, and whether, at last, it is necessary to think only of the economic aspect of these huge projects, they will bring what advantage to Azerbaijan, and also to the region from the various points of view?

- Construction works successfully proceed. We have met great difficulties, about these difficulties, obstacles it is possible to speak hours. But despite of all these impediments, we managed to realize it. Today, construction successfully goes ahead, execution of half of works has been provided. I can tell, that in territory of Azerbaijan all works are carried out in due time, without any delay. We hope, that the pipeline Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan, the largest power project in the world, will be put into operation in time. After that, the Azerbaijan oil in safe conditions will be delivered on the world markets that will bring the big profit to all three countries.

There is a work and in the field of construction of the Baku-Erzurum gas pipeline. The big work on gas deposit "Shahdeniz " is conducted, development of this deposit and construction of the pipeline demand huge investments. But in result, the Azerbaijan gas will be delivered to Turkey, there from to Greece, and then - to other European countries.

Certainly, all these projects will create new fine conditions for regional cooperation. We approached to these questions, to the project of the Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan only from the economic point of view. We always marked that it is extremely important factor for the future Azerbaijan - development of our economy. But not a secret, that after input of the BTC oil pipeline in operation it, probably, renders serious influence and on the regional cooperation. This influence will become for Turkey, Georgia, and Azerbaijan positive influence. Probably, in region there will be a new environment, new tendencies will appear. This project will even more unite us and in turn, is equitable to our interests.

- What can the delivery of power resources to the European markets through Azerbaijan after connection to the said projects of Kazakhstan bring to your country, occurrence in Azerbaijan of ample opportunities for the decision of problems?

- It can give us much. You are absolutely right that Azerbaijan holds extremely important geo-politic position. Any project of regional cooperation cannot be carried out without participation of Azerbaijan. Oil and gas resources of the Caspian will be delivered on the market through Azerbaijan that will even more raise value of the country. The country with growing value, certainly, will take stronger position in the world community. Probably, we shall be faster heard in the world. It is necessary for us to use all these opportunities in common. Opportunities of Azerbaijan are at the disposal of Turkey, and opportunity of Turkey - at the order of Azerbaijan. From this point of view we always approached to all questions.

You have noted Kazakhstan. Kazakhstan has already stated the final decision on the said question. Recently I was in Kazakhstan with a state visit. The president and other responsible persons of this country have already unequivocally declared connection to the project to the Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan. I think, that it becomes important contribution to the deal of realization of the said project. The oil resources of Azerbaijan are enough for profitable work of the pipeline. But if there will be additional volumes it will benefit to all of us. I hope, that after input of the pipeline in operation with full capacity we shall become witnesses of new events in region.

- Mr. President, we are glad to successes of Azerbaijan as to own successes. We are pleased with promotion of Azerbaijan in all areas. One of these spheres is connected to the Turkish Lyceum open under the initiative of our late President. There study the Azerbaijan young men and girls. We have found out, that on the Olympiads they have won more than 100 medals. We have televised it and in news of our TV. This message has caused big interest in Turkey. What do You think of the future of these Lyceums, that is what you think of activity of Turkish businessmen in the field of education in Azerbaijan? Besides, as you know, all over the world the youth faces with such threats, as narcotic substances, binge, and immoral behavior. What projects are stipulated to save youth from these threats?

- I very highly appreciate the activity of local Turkish Lyceums and I want to express gratitude to the people, which have created, and working in them. Our youth training there wins high prizes on the international competitions. It very much pleases us and shows, that these Lyceums prepare good staff for the future Azerbaijan. Certainly, I, as the President, would like, that these Lyceums have continued and have even more strengthened the activity.

We constantly are engaged in education of our youth, its activity. It has been for 7 years I am the president of National Olympic Committee and I can tell, that the basic direction of the activity I see in maintenance of mass character of sports. The young man fond of sports will not smoke, take alcoholic drinks, be engaged in other harmful affairs. Therefore, we have constructed and we shall build henceforth, and not only in Baku, but also in all regions of Azerbaijan, sports complexes and other constructions adequate to the advanced and high standards. I have called all youth to go in for sports and I can tell to you, that after that appeal, after creation of conditions by us for sportsmen, I observe positive tendencies. But the state should not be satisfied only with it. Certainly, education plays an important role. Education of youth in patriotic spirit is our task. I repeatedly stated my policy in this direction. Our youth should be brought up in patriotic spirit, know the history, be proud of the past, propagandize in the world our cultural and spiritual heritage. We, Turkey and Azerbaijan, are the countries, which have brought huge advantage to the world community. Our peoples have rich history and cultural heritage. We should present it to the world, as our contribution. We did it in the past, but today, in new, modern conditions we should do in wider form. We should propagandize our achievements. Our weakness, our mistakes consist that sometimes we cannot bring at a desirable level the achieved successes to the world community. In this direction we have to do a lot.

- I think that in Azerbaijan there is a favorable potential in this area. The victories won recently in individual kinds of sports, and the successes achieved in the field of education show that in Azerbaijan there is a strong base for it. Simply, to this should the technology applied, opportunities for people are opened, and it is necessary to become successful.

- Truly, we have very strong mental potential, our people - competent, knowing. All the population is competent. There is many professional staff in economy, oil branch, in science. Simply, we should introduce new technologies, apply new means that Azerbaijan did not lag behind and did not remain away from processes occurring in the world.

- After the 11 September events, began joint combat against the international terrorism. Azerbaijan constantly aspired to participate in this combat. How you consider the international terrorism? What contribution can bring Azerbaijan in achievement of the global peace?

- I have told several times that Azerbaijan is a country that suffered of the terror. In 1990s, the Armenian terrorist organizations committed in Azerbaijan more than 30 terrorist acts, as a result of which were killed 2 thousand innocent people, hundreds were wounded and became handicapped. Therefore, we well know what is terror. Unfortunately, our country has experienced it. Of course, we know very well that in combat against terrorism should unite all the countries. The terrorist commits terror act not only against your country. If to close eyes at the terror acts in other country, then combat against terrorism will never reach success. It is necessary to prevent activity of the terrorist organizations throughout the world, confiscate their bank accounts, their property. Only in this case combat against terrorism can become efficient. Should in this case be admitted discrimination and be carried out combat against the terrorist organizations opposing any one of the country, then, it will give nothing. In combat against terrorism, should unite all the public, all the international communities.

- What can for eradication of terror and gaining of peace do the men of culture and art, the poets of Azerbaijan as envoys of peace?

- An expedient work in this direction was not carried out. But as you know, Azerbaijan is rich with ancient cultural heritage. Our men of art visit numerous countries and take part in arrangements. We can tell that we make our contribution in this field, too. And, of course, for effective combat against terror, first, it is necessary to achieve a common approach, carry out combat against the terror in all countries, and the terrorist organizations should know on this.

- Many thanks for interview. What you still would want to wish to Azerbaijan, Turkey and the entire world?

- I want to tell that as the President, I shall try to execute my duty adequately. People have selected me, has believed me, therefore, I serve the people and I see my duty in this. In some days, I am to visit Turkey as the President. With Turkey I am connected with long years, close ties. Turkey is a native country for us, our native land. But I for the first time shall be there as the President. Certainly, I hope, that after the visit, our brotherly countries will become closer and even stronger, and we shall work on new projects, as always, we shall support each other. Our force is in unity, we are true to this policy and we go on this way. I pass to all the Turkish people the respect and love. I wish it happiness.

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