On behalf of the World Tourist Organization /WTO/ representing interests of 140 states, including Azerbaijan, in the field of tourism, I extend my congratulations to You with the appointment to the high and responsible post of Prime Minister of the Republic of Azerbaijan, and accept, please, my sincerest wishes of success in Your activity for prosperity of Azerbaijan.
I recall the warmest and positive memories from my official visit to Your country in September last year and with the gratitude remember the audience granted me by the President of Azerbaijan Republic Mr. Heydar Aliyev. Meeting with him, and my visit to your country, as a whole, reaffirmed the intention of Azerbaijan to develop tourism as an important factor of socio-economic progress, opening the working places and diversification of economy.
We in WTO are sure that Azerbaijan possesses vast potential for external and internal tourism, at the core of which lies a unique and cultural-historical heritage of your country, holding priority position on the Silk Route.
Since your country’s joining the World Tourist Organization in 2001, we actively cooperate with the Ministry of Youth, Sports and Tourism, and I assure You that in the large-scale work on development and advance of tourism of the Republic of Azerbaijan, You may rely on assistance and support of the World Tourist Organization.
Accept, please, Your Excellency, the assurances of my highest consideration
Francesco Frangialli
Secretary General of World Tourist Organization
Madrid, August 5, 2003