Statements by Russian MP in Armenia can be accessed as interference in internal affairs of Azerbaijan

Second secretary of the Azerbaijan Ministry of Foreign Affairs Konul Suleymanli commented on statements of the member of the Russian Parliament (State Duma) Leonid Slutsky made by him during the press conference in Armenia.
“We would like to remind Leonid Slutsky that monuments to Nazi generals Garegin Nzhdeh and Drastamat Kanayan (‘Dro’) are being worshiped in Yerevan and one of the central streets of this city was named after Nzhdeh. Moreover, “nzhdeheism” compiles the foundation of the official ideology of the Armenian ruling party,” Suleymanli said, adding that «Leonid Slutsky, as the people's deputy, had to express his concern over the "glorification" of fascist generals by the official Yerevan and holding events in honor of them in Moscow on the eve of the 70th anniversary of the victory over fascism.”
Suleymanli further said that Slutsky should also know that a monument to another Armenian "national hero", terrorist killer Monte Melkonian, one of the founders of the Armenian terrorist organization ASALA, has also been unveiled in Yerevan.
“As a result of the policy of ethnic cleansing based on radical ideology, Armenia has evolved into the only mono-ethnic state in the world. Azerbaijanis were subjected to ethnic cleansing in their historical lands (now Armenia). Other nations living in Armenia have also become victims of the ethnic cleansing policy. There were more than 28 Russian villages in Armenia before the collapse of the Soviet Union, now there is not one.
Leonid Slutsky speaks about the "arms race" in the region. I would like to refresh the memory of Leonid Slutsky, reminding him that although up to 50 percent of the population of Armenia lives in extreme poverty and external debt of this country exceeds its GDP, Armenia is the most armed country in the world by the ratio of GDP per capita.
Armament of Armenia through donations and external borrowing bolsters occupation of Azerbaijani territories and encourages aggression against Azerbaijan,” Suleymanli emphasized.
The Azerbaijani diplomat further said that “such a statements by Leonid Slutsky can harm partnership between Azerbaijan and Russia.”
‘His remarks contradict the spirit of the Azerbaijani-Russian relations, and can be regarded as interference in the internal affairs of Azerbaijan, " Suleymanli said.