To the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan, His Excellency Mr. Ilham Aliyev
On 23 December 2011, the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan, the distinguished Ilham Aliyev, is turning 50. We are wishing him a happy birthday, good health and a long and happy life.
The distinguished President of the brotherly Republic of Azerbaijan has been performing these duties for eight years and performing them successfully. We wish him many more successful years.
Dear Ilham Aliyev was first elected by the Azerbaijani people to this top post a decade after the restoration of independence of the Republic of Azerbaijan, after the death of the great leader and founding father of the state, Heydar Aliyev. In an election five years later he was re-elected as President of Azerbaijan. As is evident, he took on a very difficult job at a very challenging period and coped with it well. Evidence of his success is what we see in Azerbaijan today.
Azerbaijan has achieved tangible development. On the one hand, a multiparty political system has been established, on the other, the country has secured rapid development from economic and social standpoints. Those who have seen Azerbaijan twice with an interval of 10 years can’t but express admiration with the changes.
It was a difficult task. When Azerbaijan regained its independence on 18 October 1991, the world was undecided. The fate of the Azerbaijan Democratic Republic established on 28 May 1918 was not forgotten. In a speech in the Azerbaijani Parliament in May 1992, I, then the Prime Minister of Turkey, pointed to the difficulties facing the country.
The following transformation was to take place: transition from communism to democracy, from the Marxist to a market-driven economy. The state had to be rebuilt and the people mobilized. This difficult task was courageously assumed by my dear friend, great leader Heydar Aliyev. More precisely, the people of Azerbaijan strongly urged him to take this post. It was necessary to put the state on its feet, solve internal problems, develop a system and make it work, and establish relations with the rest of the world. It was highly important to do this.
Over the past 20 years - 10 with the father and 10 with the son - thanks to the efforts made, many difficulties have been eliminated, the war stopped, peace talks begun and goals met. This is an outstanding achievement. Today, Azerbaijan is a member of many international and European organizations. It strives for cooperation in the region, has trade links with world countries, and supplies its natural resources to world markets. Azerbaijani businessmen can now invest in other countries, while foreign investors now operate in Azerbaijan. Azerbaijan operates in a system that is open to global competition and is integrated into the modern world. Per capita incomes exceed $10,000. Development, improvement, construction and creative work are in full swing.
On 9-11 October, Baku hosted the International Humanitarian Forum, which was attended by eminent personalities from around the world. Azerbaijan had the opportunity to drive its message across. While in Baku to participate in the forum, I visited the grave of my dear friend and brother, Heydar Aliyev. I read a prayer for the repose of his soul.
I said, “Dear brother, stand up and see what has been done. Beautiful Azerbaijan is in good hands. Ilham Aliyev is fulfilling his responsibilities so that you can be proud of him. Rest in peace!”
Dear President Ilham Aliyev is a respected leader who has achieved tremendous success and is working for the welfare and happiness of his people. I wish him every success in serving this wonderful country and this great nation.
I appreciate the support for the President on the part of his closest ally, respected Mehriban Aliyeva.
Suleyman Demirel
Ninth President of the Republic of Turkey