® Bakcell and “ASAN Letter” bring joy to children suffering from leukemia

Bakcell, the First Mobile Operator and the Fastest Mobile Internet Provider of Azerbaijan, took part in yet another initiative of the “ASAN Letter” project on the occasion of the upcoming New Year.
This time “ASAN Letter” in cooperation with Bakcell and “Personaj Agency” brought lots of happy moments to 20 children who suffer from leukemia. A trip was organized to visit the children who undergo treatment at the Scientific Research Institute of Hematology and Transfusion named after B.Eyvazov, to bring them holiday mood and surprise with presents.
The main purpose of the “ASAN Letter” project, implemented by the “ASAN Volunteers” Organization, is to bring joy to the lives of children from sensitive groups, and increase the overall social responsibility and the sense of care in the society. This project, committed to turning the dreams and wishes of children into reality, covers children aged up to 14, by means of the website. Thus, letters written by the children are placed to the said website and their wishes are being fulfilled by the kind-hearted citizens. Mobile communication support for this project is also provided by Bakcell.
Bakcell has supported thousands of children by actively participating in the projects aimed at helping the children in need for special care, and ensuring the provision of equal rights and inclusive education opportunities for them. Cooperation with the “ASAN Letter” project provided Bakcell with a great chance to bring joy to the lives of children and make their wishes come true.
Bakcell, the First Mobile Operator and Leading Mobile Internet Provider of Azerbaijan, offers a wide range of products and services to users of modern mobile communications services. The company provides its customers with the best-in-class 4G mobile internet.
The 4G services of Bakcell are already available in Baku and Absheron peninsula, as well as central parts of more than 40 regions of Azerbaijan.
With more than 7000 base stations, Bakcell network covers 99% of the population and 93% of the land area of the country (except for the occupied territories). In 2017, Bakcell network has been recognized as the “Best in Test” in Azerbaijan by P3 Communications, being one of the most trusted independent authorities in mobile benchmarking. Bakcell has been recognized as the Fastest Mobile Network in Azerbaijan. This award, presented by world-famous “Ookla” company, recognizes Bakcell’s commitment to delivering fastest speeds to customers all across Azerbaijan.
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