On the first day of the visit, the delegation arrived at Shahidlyar Hiyabani /Marturs Alley/ to lay a wreath on the pedestal of the monument erected in honor of those who had given their lives in the name of independence and territorial integrity of Azerbaijan.
Later, the delegation was received at the Office of Prosecutor General for meeting with its heads and staff members in the framework of the agreement on legal assistance signed between the two countries’ prosecutor bodies in 1999.
Warmly greeting the guest, Prosecutor General Z. Garalov noted that due to the policy carried out by the leaders of the People’s Republic of China and Azerbaijan, true friendly relations had been established between the two countries, and these developing links, according to him, had assumed a multisided character. It was stated that our interrelations had become more real thanks to the visit by President of Azerbaijan Heydar Aliyev to the People’s Republic of China in March 1994, and his meetings with Chinese leaders. “Against the background of the developing political and economic relations, the co-operation in the legal sphere has come to the fore,” Mr.Garalov especially stressed.
Updating the guests on establishment under the leadership of President Heydar Aliyev of social and political stability in the country on the basis of the democratic principles common to all mankind, traditions of statehood of our people, as well as on all-sided reforms being carried out, including legal and court reform, the Prosecutor General drawn their attention to the measures being taken for the process of renewal in prosecutor bodies, structural changes and manpower policy.
He pointed out that the new legal basis, which defines role and place of the Azerbaijan prosecutor bodies within society, its legal status and first of all, Constitution of the Republic of Azerbaijan, had created wide opportunities for their effective activity and right organizational management in accordance with the Law “On Office of Public Prosecutor.”
Head of the delegation of the People’s Office of Public Prosecutor of China Zsya Chuvan expressed deep gratitude for the special care and warm hospitality and emphasized the need for more expanding of the links between the two counties prosecutor bodies. Highly appreciating the reforms being carried out in the prosecutor bodies of Azerbaijan, Zsya Chuvan, in his turn, told in detail of the reforms carried out in the system of the People’s Office of Public Prosecutor of China, shared his opinions on the prospects of the bilateral relations. He invited a delegation of the Azerbaijan Office of Public Prosecutor to come to China for an official visit.
The parties have signed a program defining the trends of further bilateral co-operation.
The meeting was attended by Ambassador of China to Azerbaijan Gyan Siyun