The Azerbaijan State News Agency


President of Azerbaijan and Supreme Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces Ilham Aliyev took part at funerlas of National Heroes

Colonel Abdulla Gurbani, the employee of the Ministry of Defense said the following by reading out biographies of martyrs and their glorious way of battle:

- Dear President, Mister Supreme Commander-in-Chief, corpses of Mubariz Agakerim oglu Ibrahimov, National Hero of Azerbaijan, warrant officer of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Azerbaijan who sacrificed his life by eliminating numerous number of enemy’s personnel and demonstrating a personal bravery and courage in the fierce battle taking place in Talysh-Borsunlu area as a result of ceasefire violation by enemy’s forces while being on duty on June 18, 2010 and Farid Guloglan oglu Ahmadov, senior lieutenant perished heroically while fulfilling his duty in Terter area on September 3, 2010 are brought to the Motherland on November 6, 2010 according to the Joint Statement of the Presidents of the Republic of Azerbaijan, Russian Federation and the Republic of Armenia dated 27 October 2010 on settlement of Nagorno Karabakh conflict.

Mubariz Agakerim oglu Ibrahimov was born in Aliabad village of Bilasuvar region on February 7, 1988. In 2005, he graduated successfully the secondary school named after martyr Malik Piriyev of Aliabad village and drafted to serve in the army by the Bilasuvar Region Military Commissariat in March 2006. Starting his compulsory military service as motorized infantry man in Internal Forces, Mubariz Ahmadov was discharged from the army as subgroup commander on November 20, 2007. After being accepted to the military service on the voluntary basis on September 18, 2009, he completed the NCO courses at the Armed Forces Training and Educational Center and executed faithfully and gloriously his military duty at the frontline as the company deputy commander of motorized infantry battalion. The memory of the martyr Mubariz Ibrahimov who rendered his exceptional services to the preservation of independence and territorial integrity of the Republic of Azerbaijan will never be forgotten.

Farid Guloglan oglu Ahmadov was born in the Jalilabad region on February 13, 1986. Having completed his studies at the secondary school number 1 named after Nizami of Jalilabad city, he was admitted to the Azerbaijani War College named after Heydar Aliyev and graduated successfully in 2007. Having completed one year long professional courses at the Armed Forces Training and Educational Center and served as the commander of reconnaissance company and then, platoon at the military base, he was promoted to the rank of senior lieutenant. The short but glorious life of Farid Guloglan oglu Ahmadov who executed faithfully his military duty in front of Motherland is an example for the Azerbaijani youth.


President of Azerbaijan and Supreme Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces Ilham Aliyev delivered a speech at the ceremony:

The Speech by Ilham Aliyev, the President of Azerbaijan and Supreme Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces

- Our military representatives Mubariz Ibrahimov and Farid Ahmadov dead heroically in the battles going on for the sake of our country’s territorial integrity in this June and September. During these months, we have been trying to bring them back soon to the Motherland.

Despite that it was very difficult. Ignoring all civil norms, Armenian side refused to give back corpses of our hero sons. This is an unseen atrocity. This is a move out of any moral rules and religious norms. But, we believed in that. We believed that we will bring back our sons, and this day has come.

Today is a very sad day. At the same time, this day is glorious one. Mubariz and Farid died on their soil for the sake of Motherland. Having eliminated 5 of enemy personnel and injured 3 of them in the uneven battle, Mubariz Ibrahimov became the martyr. Mubariz knew well that he will not sort out of that battle safe and sound. But, his affection to Motherland and his soil as well as his spirit of patriotism elevated him to the martyrdom. Mubariz is the example for all the youth.

Farid Ahmadov died while being on his duty. Both of them are awarded high titles by Azerbaijani state posthumously.

I express my condolences to the parents, relatives and beloved ones of our martyrs. May Allah rest their souls!

I would like to express my gratitude to the parents of our martyrs for having educated such heroes of the Motherland. The education - the patriotic education they gave has elevated Mubariz and Farid to the top level of morality.

We are always saddened by each loss at frontline. Each loss is a pain for us. But, we live in the conditions of war, and Mubariz with Farid have demonstrated to the enemy by their life and heroic actions that Azerbaijani people and youth are ready to sacrifice themselves for the sake of Motherland. This is a great example of heroism, courage and patriotism.

I would like to say once again that today is a very sad day for every single Azerbaijani. During these months, Azerbaijan was with the families of Farid and Mubariz. Azerbaijani people demonstrated the solidarity. I know that our citizens living in various regions visited families of our sons, expressed their condolences and demonstrated their solidarity in these months. Short and glorious lives of Mubariz and Farid have united further Azerbaijani people.

At the same time, today is a very glorious day because here, we bid farewell to our sons with deep respect. I am confident that Azerbaijani people will never forget their memory and cherish it in hearts. There are thousands and ten thousands heroes in our army like Mubariz and Farid. They wait for an order of Supreme Commander-in-Chief. They are always ready to liberate their native lands. The Azerbaijani Army is the most powerful, professional and brave Army in South Caucasus and the heroism of our martyrs has proved it once again. We have not only weaponry, ammunitions, military equipment in big quantities and combat preparedness, but also a high morale in our Army because our cause is the right one. We have not occupied the land of any country. There are long years that our lands are under occupation. We do not have any land claim to other states. But, we will never cede a smallest part of our land. We will restore our territorial integrity. Mubariz and Farid have not died in the territory of other state. They became martyrs on their own land.

A day will come and Azerbaijan will restore its territorial integrity. We wish to solve it by talks. We do not want to see our young sons be martyrs. We want our youth to live, get education and work for our Motherland and state.

Each loss at frontline area is paining us. Therefore, we strive to solve this issue peacefully by talks. The positions of Azerbaijan are gradually strengthening in the negotiations process. It is not only political and legal truth which supports our position. Today, Azerbaijan dominates Armenia by several times at any parameter. We have created this domination. Azerbaijani people have created it. Our domination in political, economic and military terms is seen clearly by anyone.

But, at the same time, I would like to reiterate on this glorious day that we will not conduct talks just for the sake of talks.

We will not allow Armenia to deal with talks’ imitation. We will conduct talks till the moment when we will still have a hope to be able to restore our territorial integrity by this way. If we will notice that it is not possible, then, Azerbaijani state will restore its territorial integrity using the military way. I do not doubt that we have all possibilities for it such as combat preparedness, material and technical means, sufficient weaponry and ammunitions, professional Army, high morale and will of Azerbaijani people. We can restore our territorial integrity by military means at any moment. Enemy should know and knows about that.

Territorial integrity of Azerbaijan was not the subject of negotiations and will never be so. Azerbaijan will restore its territorial integrity. Nagorno Karabakh is our own and historical land. Throughout the centuries, Azerbaijani people lived in Nagorno Karabakh and surrounding regions. Today, the history of Armenian state is based upon the Azerbaijani lands.

Khanate of Irevan, region of Zanghazur are our historical lands. We will never allow the creation of a second Armenian state in our native land - Nagorno Karabakh. Azerbaijani people will never reconcile with this situation. Today, we have all possibilities to solve the issue. We are simply trying to use negotiation process to the maximum extent. We do not want to have war. Nobody would want so. However, we will never reconcile with this situation. Today, we have mobilized all our efforts to solve the task we face. Today, bravery and courage of our martyr sons have demonstrated once again that we can do it.

Dear parents of our martyrs, these months were very difficult for you. You have lost your sons. There could be no greater grievance. But, you have declared as true citizens that all of us are ready to be martyrs for the sake of Motherland. Let the Motherland live forever! May Allah rest the souls of all our martyrs in peace!


Following the speech, the decree signed by President Ilham Aliyev on conferring the name of National Hero of Azerbaijan upon warrant officer Mubariz Agakerim oglu Ibrahimov for his bravery and courage shown in preservation of independence and territorial integrity of the Republic of Azerbaijan was read out to the audience.

President Ilham Aliyev presented the medal of National Hero and certificate to the father of martyr Agakerim Ibrahimov.

Speaking to the audience, Agakerim Ibrahimov, the father of National Hero of Azerbaijan Mubariz Ibrahimov said:

- The Day of Azerbaijani State Flag will be celebrated for the first time on November 9. I am proud that coffins of our martyrs are wrapped in Azerbaijani state flag. I thank you once again. I thank you very much, our dear Mister President. I love you so much.


Then, the decree signed by President Ilham Aliyev on conferring the Medal For Courage upon senior lieutenant Farid Guloglan oglu Ahmadov for his bravery demonstrated while fulfilling his duty by exposing his life to danger was read out to the audience.

President Ilham Aliyev presented the medal and certificate to Narghiz Ahmadova, the mother of martyr.

- Mister Supreme Commander-in-Chief, dear Mister President, I thank you on behalf of all mothers of martyrs. You have paid a lot of efforts and shown your courage in bringing back these two corpses. They could reject to give back and keep these corpses. This could become a double loss for a mother and all Motherland. It could remain as a deep grievance. I express my personal gratitude to you. At the same time, I feel proud. I am proud that my son sacrificed himself for the sake of Motherland, for its freedom and lands.


Following this procedure, coffins of National Hero Mubariz Ibrahimov and martyr senior lieutenant Farid Ahmadov were taken to the funerals.

Coffins were escorted to the Shahidlar Khiyabani. There was a high morale observed here while bidding farewell to both martyrs.

Our brave heroes were buried with military salvo.

The state anthem of the Republic of Azerbaijan was performed at the funerals.




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