The Azerbaijan State News Agency



Your Excellency Esteemed Mr. President,

Dear delegates of Congress,

Dear guests,

Ladies and gentlemen,

Allow me to cordially congratulate you - the participants of the 2nd Congress of World Azerbaijanis, a landmark event in the history of Azerbaijani people.

Today with the boundless love to Fatherland - to Azerbaijan, with fidelity to ideas of Azerbaijanism, we have gathered in this majestic palace after Heydar Aliyev, uniting Azerbaijanis of the world in common force.

The First Congress of World Azerbaijanis conducted in this hall in November 2001 on the initiative of our national leader and with participation of many of you, has started the process of realization of the idea of Azerbaijanism, maintenance of our national solidarity, has defined basic directions of formation and development of the Azerbaijan Diaspora, has for ever remained in memory of history as official acknowledgement that the Diaspora construction is a component of a state policy. Presence today in this hall of hundreds people, the organization of 2nd Congress of World Azerbaijani at the highest level are the evidence of adherence of the Azerbaijan state and Azerbaijanis of the world to Heydar Aliyev’s ideas.

Dear participants of Congress, continuing traditions of political line of national leader Heydar Aliyev, the President of the Azerbaijan Republic Mr. Ilham Alive attaches special significance to solidarity of Azerbaijanis of the world that is the main condition for the further strengthening of this unity, self-affirmation of Azerbaijanis on a global scale as a nation.

Participation of the President of the Azerbaijan Republic of His Excellency Mr. Ilham Aliyev in work of Congress raises the historical value of this Forum, enriches its ideological and political essence, confirms, that it bears national sense. The program speech of our dear President, its valuable recommendations will define the forthcoming problems directed on strengthening of connections of the state bodies of Azerbaijan with communities and associations in foreign countries, the further improvement of the policy of our country connected with Diaspora, also become ideological base for the beginning of a new stage of Diaspora construction.

The full text of the report which reflects results of the work done for past period after the First Congress of Azerbaijanis of the world in the field of organization of Azerbaijanis living in foreign countries, their attraction to protection of our national interests, propagation of the Azerbaijan realities by means of Diaspora organizations, was distributed among to the participants of Congress in the form of the special brochure. The delegates of Congress can present to the Editorial Commission all remarks and offers on the report. It will render practical assistance in further activity of the Committee.

Dear participants of Congress, with your permission, using the opportunity given to me today, I would like, let and in brief, to give the general information on the work done during the passed period in the field of Diaspora construction, the basic directions and forthcoming problems of our activity.

After gaining independence, strengthening of connections with our compatriots living abroad, strengthening of their attachment to the historical native land became the priority of our state policy. Alongside with interests of our people, it has been caused by the complex situation, which have arisen on international arena. However, the most important factor, the requirement of time became necessity of the consolidation of Azerbaijanis living worldwide in common force.

Diaspora construction has started to represent an actual meaning from the first years of independence of Azerbaijan, but the special attention from the state to performance of this fatal problem became possible only after coming to power of our national leader Heydar Aliyev. The Azerbaijan Republic has officially declared, that is the guarantor of interests of Azerbaijanis of the world, there started carrying out at the state level of systematic work with Azerbaijanis living abroad. Yet in 1991 on initiative of the national leader, the Supreme Majlis of Nakhchivan has adopted a decision on establishment on December 31 - Day of Solidarity of World Azerbaijanis and has addressed the Milli Majlis of the Azerbaijan Republic with the petition for celebrating this historical day in all territory of the country.

With a view of the further strengthening of connections of our compatriots and fellow citizens living worldwide with independent Azerbaijan Republic, maintenance of unity and solidarity among them, and also joint discussion of the questions connected with strengthening and coordination of activity of the Azerbaijan communities, societies and associations, on November 9-10, 2001, in Baku, took place the historical forum - First Congress of Azerbaijanis. The Congress has in detail analyzed the stages of development passed by the Azerbaijan Diaspora, has highly estimated the work lead up by our compatriots in the name of national interests, has defined forthcoming problems in the field of adjustment and strengthening of connections of the Azerbaijan communities with the historical native land, organization of our compatriots living abroad, the Diaspora construction, truthful and operative bringing up to world community of the Azerbaijan realities.

The Decree of the nationwide leader dated 27 December 2002 and Law of the Azerbaijan Republic “On state policy connected to Azerbaijanis living abroad” which came into effect on 21 February 2003, has opened before our compatriots and fellow citizens large opportunities in the 21st century, has fixed as one of the important problems their closer unity around of national interests of our country. The clauses reflected in the Law put before us specific targets on achievement of becoming of our Diaspora, creation of unity of Azerbaijanis of the world and successful realization of the purposeful policy pursued by our state in the said area.

Dear delegates and guests of Congress!

In the passed period, the State Committee has undertaken important steps directed on realization of fundamental principles of ideology of Azerbaijanism, has achieved solution of many problems for organization of our compatriots, realization of the ideas of Azerbaijanism. The carried out numerous measures have created a guarantee for active participation of our compatriots scattered on the various countries of the world in realization of national interests of our people.

As a result of measures, which have been carried out in the field of organization of Azerbaijanis living abroad, strengthening of their connections with the historical Motherland, in Europe, Northern America, a number of the CIS countries, including Belarus, Moldova and Uzbekistan, and Norway, the Netherlands, Germany, Spain, Italy, Belgium, Bulgaria, Czechia, Finland, Estonia, Poland, the United Arab Emirates, Turkey and the USA have been created new Azerbaijan communities. And the said process is going on.

The State Committee was not limited to only one support of creation of communities and associations, but also and, perceiving one of the basic strategic purposes strengthening of activity, increase of mobility of the Azerbaijan communities, creation of their regional organizations, establishment of new structures coordinating their activity and association of these organizations around single center, has undertaken corresponding steps in the said direction.

With this purpose, on November 9, 2002, has been led the conference on the topic “The Azerbaijan Diaspora: realities and prospects”, devoted to the first anniversary of the 1st Congress of World Azerbaijanis. The Forum largely discussed the present condition, problems and prospects of the Azerbaijan Diaspora.

In conditions of globalization going now in the world there is a new political situation, and, naturally, Azerbaijan Diaspora organizations also should correspond the said environment.

Considering this historical necessity, with a view of ensuring the wider scope of process of organization of our compatriots, the Azerbaijanis living abroad, keeping the national-spiritual and moral values, did not stand aside of the said global process, and in April 2003 in the German city of Mainz has been conducted the 1st Forum of heads the Diaspora organizations of Azerbaijanis. At this Forum, took place fruitful exchange of views on fatal problems of the Azerbaijan Diaspora, was brought in the agenda the idea of coordination of activity of communities and associations, consolidation of the Azerbaijanis living in Europe in a single organization.

Taking into account a need to realize this idea, a constituent conference of the Congress of European Azerbaijanis (CEA) was held 17 April 2004 in Berlin. The main aim of establishing the CEA is to unite the Azerbaijani Diaspora in Europe within a single organization. Preservation of the national and cultural identity of Azerbaijanis settled in Europe, promotion of their internationally recognized freedoms and rights are one of the CEA’s major goals.

A Federation of Azerbaijani Communities of Turkey was set up 28 May 2004 in Iskenderun, Turkey. Cohesion of certain Azerbaijani communities existing in Turkey, various organizations and all Azerbaijanis residing in this country is one of the new Federation’s major objectives.

The first constituent conference of the Federation of Azerbaijani Organizations was held 16 April 2005 in Toronto, Canada. Following this successful beginning, one of the major objectives was to establish the Congress of the American Azerbaijanis. Today, the Committee focused its efforts to unite Azerbaijani communities and associations in other continents as well.

After the process of unification is completed across the countries and continents, there will be a need to combine efforts towards uniting world Azerbaijanis within a single organization. Some progress has been so far achieved to realize this idea. This process is comprehensive and only aimed at making Azerbaijanis throughout the world well organized, ensuring their spiritual and ideological unity and strengthening their ties with their historic homeland.

High-level coordination of the Azerbaijani communities’ activity in Europe was in focus of attention last year. The meetings with the leadership and chairpersons of the CEA member organizations and fruitful discussions were held to study our compatriots’ organizational problems, consider the outlook for cooperation with the Turkish communities, study the links among Azerbaijani communities in Europe and compile data on CEA’s activity in Germany in 2005. On 19 February 2005, the State Committee and the Congress of the European Azerbaijanis initiated a conference in Amsterdam dealing with the activity, today’s situation, cares and prospects of the Azerbaijani communities and associations in the Benelux countries.

A special set of proposals was prepared in 2005 to centralize organizational process of the Azerbaijanis residing in the Russian Federation and narrow the gaps in this direction. These proposals are believed to be discussed with the leadership of the All-Russian Azerbaijani congress.

Settlement of the problems our compatriots face in various countries, assistance in protection of their freedoms and rights are the top priority of the state policy towards Azerbaijanis residing abroad.

The Azerbaijan Republic highlighted protection of the fundamental rights and freedoms of Azerbaijanis residing abroad in line with international legal standards and relevant laws as well as preservation of their national identity as one of its major goals. The Azerbaijani government’s policy calls for discussing our compatriots’ problems with the appropriate government agencies of the countries of their residence respecting laws and national interests of these nations.

The work to legally enlighten our compatriots is being done in many countries to protect Azerbaijanis’ freedoms and rights. This work provides for actions to improve the activity of the legal assistance centers functioning in the Russian Federation, Ukraine and Moldova.

The Committee also pays attention to how our compatriots know the laws of the countries of their residence regarding migration, legal status of foreigner and citizenship. With the law of the Russian Federation “On Legal Status of the Foreign Citizens” passed in 2005 the Committee took some steps to legally advise our compatriots and did some work together with the appropriate government agencies.

The Committee and other Azerbaijani government agencies and embassies have made a bit of push to settle the problems our compatriots residing in Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan face in obtaining ID cards.

The survey of Georgian Azerbaijanis’ problems resulted in preparing a special report in 2005 which included the difficulties our compatriots face in this country and proposals to settle them. A draft intergovernmental program, which was submitted to the Cabinet of Ministers, was based on this report. A special intergovernmental working group is scheduled to be formed to agree this draft program with the Georgian party.

Active participation of the organized Azerbaijani communities in the socio-political life of the countries of residences is one of the most important issues of building up the Diaspora. Azerbaijanis become a real force developing the countries of their residence, strengthening their economic, political, cultural and intellectual potential, preserving their national identity, mother tongue, culture and getting closer to the moral values of these countries. It helps strengthen the links of our people with other nations and integrate Azerbaijan into the world culture.

That our compatriots are represented in the parliaments of Turkey, Estonia, Georgia and Moldova and self-government bodies of Russia, Ukraine and Kazakhstan and candidacies of our compatriots are registered in the parliamentary election conducted in Uzbekistan and Russia indicates to increase in socio-political activity of the Azerbaijanis residing abroad. Successful work to build up Azerbaijani Diaspora paved the way for representation of our compatriots in the government agencies of the USA, Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, Lithuania, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan and other countries. Presently, the Congress of the Ukrainian Azerbaijanis is taking organization-oriented measures to involve Azerbaijanis into the elections to the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine (parliament of Ukraine) to be conducted in March this year.

Azerbaijani communities actively collaborate with the appropriate public organizations and governmental bodies of the countries of their residence. These ties expand the possibilities of Diaspora organizations to take part in the socio-political life of the country.

Azerbaijani communities existing in many countries are curious about the crucial developments in the socio-political life of Azerbaijan and constantly keep them in the focus of their attention. The solidarity actions of the Azerbaijani communities to support Ilham Aliyev’s candidacy in the 2003, presidential elections and addresses to the world Azerbaijanis and Azerbaijan people evidence it. In the 2005 parliamentary elections, Azerbaijani communities signed the relevant statement expressing confidence in the fair and objective conduct of elections.

Azerbaijani communities were actively involved in a series of events in memory of nationwide leader Heydar Aliyev organized in a number of countries. These events ones more proved that Heydar Aliyev is a great historic personality uniting Azerbaijanis around a single idea of Azerbaijanism.

Dear congress participants!

A number of events have been held for the passed period to commemorate our compatriots who worthily represented Azerbaijan people and had exceptional services in popularizing our culture, classic literature and music. Opening “Azerbaijani Houses” in many countries to popularize our cultural heritage, erecting monuments to our outstanding personalities who contributed to development of the human civilization, organizing jubilees of public and culture figures, establishing parks and alleys named in honor of Azerbaijan, staging great concerts of our masters of culture in the world’s large cities, picture and photo exhibitions show that this process has become a tradition. Opening the first exposition on Azerbaijan in the American Museum of Natural History in New-York will play a key role in informing the world community of the history and culture of our people.

In accordance with the presidential executive order of 11 August 2004 and special plan of actions to mark the Year of Azerbaijan Republic in the Russian Federation in 2005, Azerbaijani Diaspora in Russia held a number of cultural events in various regions to popularize the customs and traditions, language, history of Azerbaijanis.

Participation of President of the Azerbaijan Republic Ilham Aliyev and President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin in the opening ceremony of the Year of Azerbaijan in the Russian Federation held 16 February 2005 became a milestone increasing socio-political and historical importance of the event.

Strengthening attachment of Azerbaijanis residing in foreign countries to our national and spiritual values, mother tongue and historical roots remain one of the major directions of building the Diaspora. From this point of view, it is necessity to stress the activity of Sunday schools, which teach children Azerbaijani language, culture, history, and traditions. There are currently 50 such educational institutions in some countries.

Special Azerbaijani language departments have been opened in such prestigious educational institutions as Moscow State Institute of International Relations, Kiev National University, French Institute of Oriental Cultures and Languages.

The syllabuses of the comprehensive and Sunday schools are being improved in the countries where Azerbaijanis live, notably in the CIS area, including Georgia as well as Daghestan and other regions of the Russian Federation

In today’s world, successful information policy is one of the major factors of the overall development and perfect strengthening of the statehood. Therefore, this sphere was of special import for the passed period with our communities and associations achieving progress in strengthening the information and propaganda work.

Two essay writing contests on the theme “Forming Azerbaijani Diaspora and Building Lobby” were held to underscore the importance of building up the Diaspora. The winners were awarded.

Besides, the public got acquainted with the first and second editions of the book “State Care for Azerbaijani Diaspora” reflecting historical services of nationwide leader Heydar Aliyev and successor of his political course Ilham Aliyev in forming Azerbaijani Diaspora. The book listed Diaspora-related decrees, executive orders and appropriate laws. Nationwide leader Heydar Aliyev’s activity and services to realize the state policy regarding Azerbaijanis residing abroad, goals and tasks he set for Diaspora organizations as well as his valuable recommendations were also reflected in this book.

Today, hundreds of Azerbaijani intelligentsia representatives, outstanding figures of science and culture who settled in foreign countries actively use media to bring right voice of Azerbaijan, its accomplishments, culture, art, history, literature and, finally, ideas of Azerbaijanism to the attention of the world community. Azerbaijani communities establish contacts with the media outlets of the countries of their residence and regularly appear on the TV channels and periodicals. Many Azerbaijani media outlets also cover the issue of building the Diaspora and work Azerbaijani communities do in the foreign countries.

Using the press our Diaspora organizations keep the world community informed of the Azerbaijani realities, give our compatriots objective information of their historical homeland and contribute to propaganda of Diaspora building and further strengthening ties with our compatriots.

Bringing the truth on historical tragedies our people faced, Armenia-Azerbaijan, Nagorno-Karabkh conflict, its genuine cause, kernel and grave consequences and updating Azerbaijani communities abroad and local peoples on the truth became one of the major directions of the propaganda work. The communities distributed the books translated into different languages, brochures and photo albums on the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict among local TV channels with documentaries and stories telecasted. Azerbaijani communities and associations were actively involved in staging a string of protests.

Dear congress participants!

Our experience shows that our national and state interests, which experienced historical ordeals, friendly ties of our peoples made it necessary for the Azerbaijani and Turkish Diasporas to cooperate, jointly operate to solve the vital problems. Presence of the large group of the Turkish Grand National Assembly members at the congress pinpoints the high-level of our ties, their unlimited possibilities as well as indissolubility of the bonds of friendship that connect Azerbaijan and Turkey.

These constantly developing bonds of cooperation that went through hardships gave a kick-start to further enhancing the Diaspora’s capabilities. Thus, the Azerbaijani and Turkish Diasporas managed to stage joint events in various countries. Such events served the propaganda of Azerbaijanis realities, developing external ties, deepening cooperation between Azerbaijani and Turkish communities.

For the passed period, joint discussions with the heads of the Turkish communities functioning in Europe and USA and officers of appropriate Turkish government agencies and embassies have been held to study the possibility for the Azerbaijani and Turkish Diaspora organizations to jointly operate and achieve more successful results. As a result of these discussions, our esteemed President approved the first forum of the Turkish and Azerbaijani organizations to take place in 2006. We will discuss a recent joint activity of the Turkish and Azerbaijani Diasporas, plans for the prospects of our relations prepared in compliance with the recommendations of the President of Azerbaijan, President and Premier of Turkey.

The meetings with the representatives of the parliaments, government agencies and non-governmental organizations of foreign countries were held during their working visit to Azerbaijan. These meetings resulted in agreement to attract these representatives that are able to assist in forming Azerbaijani lobby, to the work of Azerbaijani Diaspora organizations. It is one of the important steps taken towards forming Azerbaijani lobby abroad.

Presently, Azerbaijani communities are seeking close ties with the parliament and government members of the countries of their residence and cooperate with Diaspora organizations of other peoples. Today, large delegations comprising parliament members of Latvia, Estonia, Lithuania, Ukraine, Moldova, Belgium, Austria, Switzerland, Czech Republic and Canada are among the guests. Presence of the public, political and state figures of these countries do increase the prestige of our congress.

Today, Azerbaijani Diaspora goes through the period of development and evolution. The youth studying abroad play an important role in strengthening our Diaspora, propaganda of Azerbaijan and bringing the truth on Azerbaijan to the world community. With Azerbaijan choosing the integration into Europe the number of Azerbaijani boys and girls studying abroad is increasing. It plays an important role of reliable foundation for forming the powerful Diaspora in the future.

President of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev constantly keep the issues of organizing the Azerbaijanis studying abroad and attracting them to protection of national interests in focus of his attention. The state program “Azerbaijani Youth” launched in 2005 in accordance with presidential executive order contains a clause, which provides for staging the first world congress of the Azerbaijani youth in Baku. It should be rated as manifestation of this policy.

President of Azerbaijan Mr. Ilham Aliyev is always focused on solving the problems of Azerbaijani youth studying in foreign countries giving instructions and recommendations to the relevant state and governmental bodies to settle them. Due to the state’s active support and assistance Azerbaijani boys and girls studying and residing in foreign countries set up societies and public associations there.

Dear Mr. President,

Dear congress participants,

Active involvement of our compatriots residing abroad in the socio-economic development programs in Azerbaijan helped to broaden the scope of economic power of our country.

Attraction of the Azerbaijani communities abroad to the economic development process was one of the major goals of the passed period. Thus, Diaspora organizations initiated and actively partook in the seminar-conferences and economic forums devoted to the economic development prospects. The first Azerbaijan-Russia economic forum was organized in April 2004 while the second one took place 22 February 2006.

The work to involve Azerbaijani businessmen from different regions of Azerbaijan who are now residing in Russia to economic development of their native lands and invest in development projects brings fruits now. With the assistance of the Diaspora organizations the committee is currently taking appropriate actions towards economic lobbying and broadening the circle of Azerbaijan’s friends.

Having brought Diaspora forming accomplishments to a new stage of development, President of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev keeps these issues in the focus of his attention. It became a tradition that despite a tough schedule our esteemed president regularly receives representatives of the foreign organizations that are connected to the Azerbaijani Diaspora and meet Azerbaijani Diaspora representatives while on foreign trips. It all gives a great impetus to Diaspora building.

Dear Mr. President, let me express gratitude to you for your valuable recommendations to strengthen spiritual unity of the Azerbaijan people and assure you that we step up our activity towards socio-economic development of Azerbaijan, popularizing the rich cultural heritage and history of our people and informing the world community of the Azerbaijani realities.

Thank you very much for your attention!

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