The Azerbaijan State News Agency



This year UNESCO will open four pages on Azerbaijan, celebrate four anniversaries and recognize Azerbaijani science and culture with the events on the international level. The 100 year anniversary of “Leili and Majnun” opera that was created by the great composer Uzeyir Hajibeyov, who had got his inspiration from a love saga, penned down by Fizuli 500 years ago, the 100 year anniversary of Sattar Bahluzade, a true miracle of nature, the 100 year anniversary of our beloved writer and great scholar Mir Jalal and the 100 year anniversary of academician Musa Aliyev, one of the founders of science of geology in Azerbaijan.

When I was approached to write articles on these jubilees, despite having a broad knowledge on three of these subjects, I decided to write about academician Musa Aliyev who I knew very little about. First of all, I contacted Institute of Geology of the National Academy which he headed for eight years. But I couldn’t gain enough information from couple of scientific papers I received from them. In this case, the staff of the Institute assisted me in contacting the daughter of academician Musa Aliyev, Mrs. Rena Pashayeva. With Rena khanum we called each other up and decided to meet at her place. Frankly, I was a little alert when I heard the address, but with no hesitation decided to go at the suggested hour to the mentioned location. The building which I was about to enter faced the sea and had two memory boards- on the right, listing the name of the renowned writer Mir Jalal and another one, on the left, with the name of the scientist Musa Aliyev. It turns out, to talk about Musa Aliyev I had to come to the home of another personality whose anniversary is being celebrated by UNESCO around the world-Mir Jalal. It was an interesting and mysterious co-incidence, indeed. The spirit of two great celebrations was being lived in this one family. I took it as a blessing of God. My interlocutors were the daughter of academician Musa Aliyev, Mrs. Rena Pashayeva and her spouse, the renowned diplomat Hafiz Pashayev. Actually, our conversation turned out to be not an interview, but rather sincere acquaintance, at which days full of memories were recalled, bittersweet history was lived yet again. They talked about their famous fathers with childhood affection. At that moment, these kids, who indeed are one of the influential figures of science and politics in our country, were drowned in the memories of their parents. Giving in to childhood emotions as a result of love to your parents brings up the most sincere feelings. “Look, my father Mir Jalal and Musa muellim used to sit and talk for hours right here where we are sitting. They could go on, Dad talking about literature, poems and prose and Musa muellim about geology and technical science. Their conversations usually used to touch on a new generation in science and literature, their achievements and finally to conclude on patriotic notes,” starts Hafiz muellim our conversation. I saw in him a real son’s love toward academician Musa Aliyev, a high intellect, felt his warmth and care and a desire to remain a close friend and supporter to his kind and graceful Rena xanum who, after her father, lost two brothers as well. In the house of Mir Jalal, the life of Musa Aliyev, unforgettable and renowned scholar, a person who left a significant mark on our science and socio-political life was reviewed page by page, moments of the past full of sorrow, happiness, joy and pain were being lived by us as we went over these stories. I collected a lot to write about and as I was saying my thankful goodbyes we agreed to meet again at this house to talk about another personality and work on another article.

The doctor of geology -mineralogy sciences, professor, distinguished oil industry worker, laureate of Azerbaijan State Award, president of Azerbaijan Academy of Science, academician Musa Aliyev is one of our great personalities who found his rightful place on the glorious pages of Azerbaijani scientific history of 20th century. Destiny had a wonderful job saved for him: he was a geologist- he explored his love to science through uncovering and studying the surface of the earth and turning it into a beneficial factor for our science and economy. He took this God given chance to earn love of people and leave his own mark. Musa Aliyev brought a lot of innovations to the science of oil studies in his sphere of researches. Along with his achievements in paleontology, he established a great school. Our scholars who deal with this field of science are the graduates of his school. It is a civilian duty of ours to remind future generations about outstanding service of academician Musa Aliyev in the development of oil industry and scientific management.

Review of history: In 1926 having graduated with honors from the high school with mathematical bias Musa Aliyev returns to Azerbaijan and gets admitted to the State Polytechnic Institute majoring in mining. From his students years he starts teaching: (in 1930-1933 he teaches on various subjects in the college of oil studies named after Lassal and the college of industry studies named after N. Narimanov in Balakhany. In 1931 having excelled from the faculty of geological intelligence Musa Aliyev becomes a post-graduate student and a little later earns teaching privileges at the Institute as a professor’s assistant.) Thus, from the freshman year the student attracts attention of the head of the department of geology, paleontology and historic geology, Professor V. Bogachov and starts a life full of scientific achievements. When the young scholar defended his dissertation titled “Inoceramus of upper whiting residues of north-eastern part of Smaller Caucasus” he was only 28 years old. His scientific research was praised by V. Bogachov, as well as renowned paleontologists V. Rengarter, V. Pchelintzev and others. Among the famous paleontologists of the time (the generation of Soviet scientists of 1930s) Musa Aliyev was the first one to major in detailed definition, stratigrafic importance, lifestyle etc of inoceramic fauna of double folding mollusk. Thus, Musa Aliyev established the system of research of Mesozoic fauna in Azerbaijan.

A systematized description of important dates of Musa Aliyev’s biography can be an interesting resource for many. In this sense, we would like to note, that in 1936-1938 he headed Azerbaijani bureau of Transcaucasian Geological Trust and worked as a chief engineer of the Azerbaijan Geological Department. At the same time, he held positions of the dean of the faculty of oil studies at the Azerbaijan Industry Institute (now, Azerbaijan Oil Academy) in 1937, director of the institute in 1939-1941. But this career never steered him away from his activities as a professor. In 1941-1942 he works as a docent at the department of “Paleontology and Historic Geology” at the Moscow Institute of Oil Studies. In 1941 he is appointed the head of the main department of educational institutions at the USSR People’s Oil Industry Commissariat. These were the years of the 2nd World War. During these years, he is responsible for the training of cadres in technical engineering in the Southern Caucasus republics as a response to the country’s growing needs in oil products. For his excellent services during the years of war Musa Aliyev was awarded with “Lenin” order.

Holding positions of the member and later secretary of Azerbaijan’s Central Committee in 1947 Musa Aliyev works hard for the development of the oil industry. In 1948-49 he is appointed as a vice-chairman of Ministers’ Soviet, chairman of State Plan Committee. Musa Aliyev serves as a member of USSR Supreme Soviet in 1947-1961. He becomes a president of Azerbaijani Academy of Science in 1950-1958. In 1958 his position includes deputy director on scientific works at the Institute of Geology of Flammable Fossils and Exploration at the USSR Ministry of Oil Industry and USSR Academy of Science. In the Institute he succeeds in establishing of the laboratory on “Biostratigrafia of regions rich in oil and gas”. His research geography includes Greater Caucasus, Turkmenistan, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Western Siberia. In 1967 he is assigned to Algerian republic by USSR Oil Industry Ministry and leads the cooperation on oil agreement signed between two countries in 1967-1971. He succeeds in discovering several oil and gas fields over there. He speaks at almost all major international forums on these subjects.

All achievements of 20th century science of geology and scientific personnel of the contemporary science of geology in Azerbaijan is connected with the name of Musa Aliyev. Celebration of the 100 year jubilee of this great personality at UNESCO on the international level is a moral duty of well-wishers. The pages of biography of academician Musa Aliyev can be described even in more details. But considering the format of this article I have to remain brief.

Musa Mirza oglu Aliyev was born on April 11, 1908 in Shamakhy, spent part of his childhood and went to school in the city of Ashgabat in Central Asia. But what brought this person who was born to a wealthy family of one of the Shamakhy merchant to Turkistan?

As if her eyes are looking back through the long years, interesting and painful history is retold to us by Musa Aliyev’s daughter, the candidate of philological sciences Mrs. Rena Pashayeva: My parents were cousins. My grandfather on mother’s side Mammadtagi Aliyev had been well educated in St. Petersburg and lived for a while in Germany and Finland. He had a good command of several languages including German, French, Arabic, Persian and Russian and was elected to the First Russian State Duma. After Duma was disassembled he returned to Shamakhy and became active in public life of the town. My grandfather had a rich and rare personal library, which contained hard to find manuscripts and original autographs of famous people. He was known for his influence and national spirit. During Shamakhy massacres in 1918 his house was attacked by Armenians. Mammadtagi was cruelly murdered by Armenians when he tried to protect his house and his library, his whole property was put on fire and burnt to ashes. When my grandfather on father’s side Mirza Mahmud heard about it, he travelled urgently to Baku to protect the displaced family of his brother and took his family members back with him to Ashgabat. Mirza Mahmud hadn’t been educated, but as a merchant he was quite familiar with life’s troubles and had seen its tough face. In Ashgabat my grandfather married a beautiful lady who was originally from Shusha, Nabat khanum. My father lost his mother when he was little and it left an inerasable and painful mark on his life. Finally, when Soviet rule was established in Azerbaijan Musa Aliyev returned to Baku. It was in Baku that he received his higher education, got his first achievements and started on the road to success. His hard work, knowledge, passion for science, national spirit, love for his Motherland and kindness to people became the stairs of this road. At the age of 30 he became the director of the Institute of Azerbaijani State Industry, at the age of 40 vice-chairman of Ministers’ Soviet, chairman of Azerbaijani State Plan Committee.

One of the most memorable events of those years was the establishment of “Neft Dashlari”. A close cooperation of the chairman of the State Plan Committee, Musa Aliyev and the chairman of the USSR State Plan Committee Baybakov played a big role in bringing the grand project of miraculous sea city- “Neft Dashlari” to life. This became a part of the history of 1948-49 yrs. Before that, in 1947 as a secretary of Azerbaijan’s Central Committee Musa Aliyev did his best in creating favorable conditions for the development of oil industry, increasing the number of young and local cadres. Demonstrating his true national spirit, in 1940 as a director of Institute of Industry Musa Aliyev celebrated 20 year anniversary of the institute and awarded professors with orders and medals, most of which were granted to Azerbaijani colleagues. Their names were suggested to Moscow also by him. Here, we would like to mention that national cadres of oil industry, be it on a decision-making level or scientific-pedagogical cadres, were under the direct supervision of Musa Aliyev.

When we review the biography of Musa Aliyev, one should note his years of work in Moscow back in 1940s

Memories of Rena xanum: During these years Mirjafar Bagirov realizes the need to mobilize capable and intellectual young cadres like Musa Aliyev back to the country and calls him back as well. My father recalls, that a human resource deputy of the chairman of Ministers’ Soviet, a Bolshevik named Zemlyachka told him: “Comrade Bagirov demands that you go back to Baku. Get ready and go back right away.” My father hoped to stay and was trying to delay his return on purpose. But, he was called back again and told: “You have to hurry. Otherwise, another deputy of the chairman of Ministers’ Soviet -Lavretiy Pavlovich Beriya would, God forbid, send you back in another manner.” My father who got on a plane to Baku the same evening was appointed as the chairman of the Central Committee by Mirjafar Bagirov.

Musa Aliyev returned to science in 1950 after a 10 year break. This time, as a president of Azerbaijani Academy of Science. His extraordinary organizational skills gave a boost to the development of science in Azerbaijan. At this period, academician Musa Aliyev recognized the advantageous currents of scientific development and did his best to expand and strengthen such fundamental studies in the academy as physics, mathematics, chemistry, astronomy and economics. In a very short period of time, on his initiative, tens of doctors and candidates of science were educated and around 200 were sent to intern at the leading scientific centers in Moscow and other cities of the former Soviet Union. This resulted in creation of numerous new laboratories, faculties and departments, strengthening the scientific-technical basis in the Academy of Science. As Musa Aliyev was focused on all branches of science, he also remained particularly interested in the development of his native Institute of Geology. He created a new department of “Paleontology and stratigrafia” there. Four laboratories were already active at the department chaired by him. Those laboratories were headed by experienced paleontologists Q. Alizade, J. Khalilov, A. Khalilov and R. Jafarov. At the same time, young cadres were constantly attracted to join. These things were possible under the immediate leadership and supervision of the president of Academy Musa Aliyev. During his eight year tenure as a president of the Academy we can name significant events that were important and memorable for the history of our National Academy. First of all, he suggested Samad Vurgun, a renowned poet and an expert in literature as a vice-president on affairs that he was relatively unaware of- humanitarian studies. Because he knew Samad Vurgun as a person who was in love with his country, its history and literature, as someone with a vision and respected by his colleagues and by people. Indeed, this choice of Musa Aliyev is still appreciated as one of the beautiful pages of our science history.

He was crucial in building the modern Academy campus, taking time to expedite the process of the confirmation of its project, building permissions, financing by Moscow. It would be unfair not to mention the role of Musa Aliyev in constructing the grand and beautiful new building of the Academy authored by the renowned architect Mikayil Huseynov. The buildings of the most institutes of the Academy were complete and functioning, yet the main grand building hadn’t been built. After the confirmation of the final project the construction got started. As the walls and columns were being raised, the surface of the building was being covered by expensive granite cover. The president of the academy who envisioned untrustworthiness of Stalin’s regime wanted to complete the construction as soon as possible. As half of the building was done, the new head of state Khrushchev issued a decree: “Buildings shall not be unnecessarily decorated.” “Pravda” paper even published a special article on this issue. In that article, among other names the name of architect Mikayil Huseynov was mentioned and Khrushchev claimed that the country was better off without those architects. Thus, national ornaments that were supposed to decorate the rest of the building, including four domes didn’t get appropriate funding and were cancelled. Thanks to the vision of Musa Aliyev the granite cover decorating the walls of the building was already put in. The current reconstruction project of the Academy campus includes addition of those domes to the final project.

Also during those years, academician Musa Aliyev authored and edited 7 volumes of “Geology of Azerbaijan”, as well as published number of maps. As the president of the Academy he instructed historians to prepare a multi volume edition of “Azerbaijani history”. But, this issue took a while and got distracted by the interests of various people. One of the biggest dreams of Musa Aliyev as a president of the Academy was to establish an astronomical observatory. He succeeded in appropriating the lot for the construction of the observatory, approving all the papers and establishing relations with the most major observatories of the world. It all started in March of 1953 with the creation of the permanent astronomical expedition at the Institute of Physics and Mathematics. To expedite the process, in 1954 astrophysics department near the expedition was created and later in 1956 astrophysics department was created near the Presidium. H. Sultanov was invited to Baku from the Moscow State Astronomy Institute to lead these works. The Shamakhy Observatory that started during those days in 1959 under the leadership of academician Y. Mammadaliyev inherited the spirit of Maragha Observatory of N. Tusi of 12th century and became one of the famous observatories in the world. Musa Aliyev’s services and dreams regarding this project carry a historic importance.

His love of science always kept him close to his job. Certainly, judging by scientific achievements one can suggest that science was the purpose of his life. But, it was beneficial for the future of our country that this person who was in favor of progress and eager to conquer new heights was always a part of the system of government. To build on his scientific-pedagogical experience, Musa Aliyev while heading the Azerbaijani Academy of Science delivered lectures in Azerbaijani and Russian languages at Baku State University’s faculty of geology-geography on the subjects of paleontology and historic geology. He was also able to establish at the faculty an office of paleontology-stratigrafia at his own expense, spending his own paycheck from the University for this purpose and helping out students with no means. Memories of Rena xanum: My father used to get a high salary as a president of the Academy. So, he always helped financially to poor students, young scholars with no means. We were used to it and welcomed it in our family. Dad was very proud, yet down-to-earth and kind, humble, extremely polite and noble human being. No matter at home or at work. He was very sincere and kind, calm and caring with us. We were very loving and connected to each other in our family. My father and mother who lived together for more than a half a century held each other dear. They protected and loved each other all the time. We were two brothers and one sister. My elder brother Omar Khayyam picked physics-mathematics for a profession, myself oriental studies, my younger brother Akram followed in father’s steps. Our parents never pressured us in selecting a career, so we picked whatever our hearts desired. My father was very fond of his cabinet at the university. That is why after he passed away my brother Omar Khayyam and I decided to present his entire rich personal library on geological science to the same department of paleontology -stratigrafia. I would especially like to note with appreciation the assistance we got from then vice-president of SOCAR Mr. Ilham Aliyev.

The most young, productive, energetic moments of Musa Aliyev full of dreams coincided with the time when Mirjafar Bagirov headed Azerbaijan. Bagirov who recognized Musa Aliyev’s high scientific managerial skills appointed him to various positions and constantly kept him in his attention. Memories of Rena xanum: At the age of 30 my father’s hair already turned grey. It was tough to work with such a cruel leader like Bagirov. As he appointed my father to higher positions, the sense of fear grew as well. Because Bagirov wouldn’t shy away from destroying a person whom he raised himself. That is why Dad lived and worked in a very tough time. As he committed to all his assignments, my father tried to do his best not to be criticized or reproached by anyone. Sometimes, Bagirov who didn’t have a full update about the assignment that he gave to my Dad would make him stand at the meetings and yell at him for not completing the job. When Dad stood up and gave him full report Bagirov would say “I wouldn’t hesitate to send that grey head of yours to rotten in Soloviki (a place in far north where people were exiled)”. Later, when Bagirov was sentenced, they found a document in his office according to which my father had to disappear soon. His name was third on the list after Samad Vurgun and Mirza Ibrahimov.

Since 1958 Musa Aliyev lived and worked in Moscow. When he didn’t get along with then leadership of Soviet Azerbaijan, the president of the Academy of Science of USSR academician Nesmeyanov invited him to the Academy where Musa Aliyev became head of the scientific works at the Institute of Geology of Mineral Fields at the Oil Industry Ministry. In a short period, he established a laboratory on “Biostratigrafia of oil and gas regions” and, thus, expanded the geography of his researches. His activities in many Soviet republics brought unforgettable scientific results. Although worked in Moscow, he traveled to Baku every year as a member of Azerbaijani Academy of Science and constantly joined the meetings of the Academy. He used to take some of his students back to Moscow and tried to help them in any way he could. During those years, Musa Aliyev became a support system for students who studied in Moscow and especially for young scholars who left our country. He used his seniority to expedite approval of some of the scholarly papers written on technical science at the Moscow High Attestation Commission. During his years in

Moscow, famous scientist who dedicated his whole life to his work published number of books. In total, Musa Aliyev authored 210 papers, including 15 monographs. He raised 40 doctors and candidates of science.

Musa Aliyev’s life and career was quite diverse. This gave him opportunity to contact people from different professional backgrounds. At the same time, his profound managerial skills were appreciated by the leadership of oil industry of USSR. In 1967 Musa Aliyev was appointed to lead the delegation comprised of renowned oil industry scholars and experts to People’s Democratic Republic of Algeria where they were to assist the development of the oil industry of that country. Musa Aliyev achieved quite a lot heading the oil agreement cooperation between Algeria and USSR in 1967-71. His personal qualities, rare scientific mind brought him the respect and love of not only his colleagues and Soviet diplomatic staff in Algeria, but also Algerian head of state and government officials. As participants of that cooperation program recall, in order to get received by Algerian president Boumediene Soviet Ambassador had to request Musa Aliyev’s help in getting the appointment and it gave positive results every time. His scientific researches in Algeria resulted in him co-authoring such Moscow printed fundamental monographs like 328 paged “Geology, oil and gas reserves of the Great Algerian Desert” and 256 paged “Geology, oil and gas reserves of Algerian Atlas”.

The great scholar passed away May 3, 1985 and was buried in his Motherland, a promise fulfilled by his children. Due to his extraordinary personal qualities Musa Aliyev earned respect and affection of his contemporaries and kept it to his last days. We can proudly name some of the colleagues of Musa Aliyev, also renowned Azerbaijani scientist like Q. Alizade, M. Gashagay, A. Alizade, Sh.Mehdiyev, Sh.Azizbeyov, A.Yagubov, A.Shikhalibeyli and others.

Most staff members of the Institute of Geology attribute their achievements to the knowledge they gained from academician Musa Aliyev’s scientific researches and his ever-present love and care of young minds. They speak very highly of him. “Academician Musa Aliyev remembered by his contemporaries”, a book written by Tofig Hasanov, president of Azerbaijani Paleontology Society and the student of the great scholar includes penned down memories of Institute associates about amazing life of the renowned scholar in details. The book that includes pieces by academicians I. Ibrahimov, M. Musayev, J. Quliyev, B. Budagov,H.Sultanov, A. Alizade, A. Nadirov, I. Gamkrelidze, Professors Z. Movsumov, F. Dadashov, A. Ayyubov, I. Shirinov and tens of other renowned and famous scholars talks about academician Musa Aliyev in the light of memories. It makes you feel proud of the son of Azerbaijani nation who stands at such a high, honored and glorious peak. Him taking a significant place among the world’s famous paleontologists brings pride and joy to our nation.

As we turn the pages of life of the academician one can’t help to feel a strong light in one’s personal aura. How wonderful it is that we had humble and wise people on this earth. Now, they have turned into the light that brightnes our world, shines a light on our Motherland and raises her up high in the eyes of the whole world.


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