As display of close and kind relations between the Azerbaijan Republic and the Islamic Republic of Iran, the President of Islamic Republic of Iran with kindliness has been welcomed in Baku. During the negotiations passed in sincere and friendly conditions, the sides have carried out discussions on the following:
With a view of strengthening friendship, the sides will develop more and more political relations and mutual activity.
Having expressed the consent concerning deepening of bilateral relations at all levels, including on development of cooperation between executive, legislative and judicial authorities of two countries, the Sides have emphasized realization of mutual visits of officials of our countries.
The sides came to the consent about the beginning within the next few days the activity of general consulate of the Azerbaijan Republic in the city of Tabriz of the Islamic Republic of Iran.
The Sides have with satisfaction noted, that the existing contract-legal base is a reliable basis for maintenance for all-around development of relations between the Sides.
With a view of mutual activity in the field of combat against terrorism and all its forms, illegal circulation of narcotics, psychotropic substances, their analogues substances, the transnational organized crime, trade in people and smuggling, the Sides will raise efficiency of bilateral and multilateral cooperation.
The Sides will make necessary efforts and will arrange for prohibition and suppression in the territories of activity of the organizations, groups and separate persons, directed against the state sovereignty, independence and territorial integrity of each other
The Sides will carry out activity with a view of peaceful settlement of conflicts according to the Charter of the United Nations, on the basis of respect for sovereignty and territorial integrity of the states, inviolability of their borders.
The Islamic Republic of Iran supports territorial integrity of the Azerbaijan Republic in the question of settlement of the Armenia-Azerbaijan, Nagorny Karabakh conflict, marks necessity of returning of refugees and the IDPs to their homelands.
The Azerbaijan Republic has expressed gratitude for the humanitarian assistance rendered by the Islamic Republic of Iran within the last years to refugees and IDPs, and both sides consider necessary continuation of it.
Marking significance of cooperation in questions of maintenance of national safety, the Sides will assist continuation of practical cooperation between corresponding structures of both states on the basis of separate agreements.
The Sides will take necessary measures for increase of the level of trade and economic and scientific and technical cooperation on the basis of potential of both states.
Having agreed to arrange for realization of the “Memorandum of results of the 5th session of the Interstate Joint Commission on Cooperation Between the Azerbaijan Republic and the Islamic Republic of Iran in economic, trade and humanitarian spheres”, signed on October 30, 2002 in the city Baku, the Sides have noted importance of the given arrangements and carrying out shortly in the regular form of the future sessions of the Interstate Joint Commission, in particular, the 6th Teheran session.
The Sides will make efforts for expansion of cooperation in various trade and economic spheres, first of all, in the field of oil and petroleum industry, petrochemical production, chemical and light industry, mechanical engineering, agriculture, transport, transport infrastructures and connections.
The Sides have noted mutual activity of financial and bank structures, realization of joint investment projects, cooperation in formation of joint ventures and other economic structures.
The Azerbaijan Republic once again states its support of intention of the Islamic Republic of Iran to join the international transport corridor Europe-Caucasus-Asia (TRACECA). And also, the Islamic Republic Iran once reaffirms its support to the Azerbaijan Republic in connection with the Agreement concerning the transport corridor North-South.
Having emphasized cooperation in the field of transport, the Sides welcome the achieved arrangements concerning construction of the Astara-Baku highway, boundary bridges and cooperation in the field of frontier trade, support joint efforts with a view of creation of the necessary structures, serving to expansion and realization of these links, and have stated creation of a tripartite consortium of the Islamic Republic of Iran - the Azerbaijan Republic - the Russian Federation with a view of designing, constructions and delivery in operation of railroad line Gazvin-Resht-Enzeli-Astara-Astara.
Having expressed satisfaction with mutual arrangements concerning cooperation in the bilateral and multilateral order in the field of construction of power plants, installation and operation of auxiliary stations, the Sides have noted value of realization of the given agreements.
The Sides have noted special value of construction of Ordubad and Mazrain power dam and a lining of gas main Khoy-Julfa.
Having expressed gratitude for the humanitarian assistance rendered by the Islamic Republic of Iran to Autonomous Republic of Nakhchivan, the Azerbaijan Republic has emphasized necessity of continuation of this help, and the Islamic Republic of Iran has reaffirmed continuation of the help. The Sides have emphasized necessity of realization for the Autonomous Republic Nakhchivan of various projects of development, including projects concerning cooperation in the field of road construction, power, natural gas, development of agriculture and industry, public health services, and the agreements achieved in the given areas and have confirmed expansion of mutual cooperation.
Taking into account development of cooperation and relations between the Azerbaijan Republic and the Islamic Republic of Iran in humanitarian sphere, commonness of history, culture and religion of both peoples, the Sides have noted existence of strong and objective base.
The Sides have noted increase of the efforts for mutual activity in the field of culture, science, education, public health services and social security.
The Sides have noted activation of the efforts in the direction of further deepening of cooperation in the field of preparation and improvement of professional skill of experts of culture, art, mass media, sciences, education, public health services, social security within the framework of friendly relations of two countries.
The Sides have comprehensively discussed in friendly and sincere conditions the questions concerning legal status of the Caspian and have supported negotiations on settlement of the Convention on legal status of the Caspian on the basis of the arrangement of five Caspian littoral countries. The Sides came to the arrangement on continuation of negotiations.
Basing on the principles of equality of sovereignties, territorial integrity of the states, non-interference to internal affairs each other, taking into account the conventional norms of international law, the Sides will strengthen strong political and economic relations on a bilateral and multilateral basis.
The Sides have confirmed the readiness for development of cooperation in a format of the United Nations and its establishments, OIC, OEC and other regional and international organizations within the framework of cooperation on the questions representing mutual interest.