Opening the conference “Khazar” University’s Rector Hamlet Isakhanli noted that the conference concurred with 13th Anniversary of University’s foundation. He gave an insight into the history of the University noting that “Khazar” is the first private university not only in Azerbaijan but also in the CIS as a whole. “Azerbaijan is a rapidly developing country, whose leadership has always paid particular attention to the development of sports”, Mr. Isakhanli said. In conclusion, mentioned successful participation of students in the sport activities.
Then, Mr. H. Ulusoy noted that rapid development of football in Turkey had become became possible due to late President Turgut Ozal’s support of reforming the federation’s structure. “It is impossible to develop sports without governmental support. Accomplishments of Turkish athletes are the vivid example of this,” Mr. H. Ulusoy said.
Speaking of the Azerbaijani-Turkish relations, H. Ulusoy expressed hope that AFFA management would make a break-through in the football development and Azerbaijani football would take a worthy place in the world and European football. He promised that Turkey would render technical, material and advisory assistance to the AFFA.
It is well known that following Mr. H. Ulusoy’s election as president of the federation in 1997, the Turkish football has become one of the world’s best. In 2002, national team of Turkey became bronze medallist of the world championship.
Then, a diploma of the Honorary Doctor of the “Khazar” University was bestowed upon Mr. Haluk Ulusoy. Ambassador of Turkey to Azerbaijan Mr. Ahmat Unal Chevikez, deputy Minister of Youth, Sports and Tourism Mr. Asif Asgarov and AFFA president Mr. Ramiz Mirzayev congratulated
Mr. H. Ulusoy on this title.