On the occasion of the anniversary of the 11 September events, the US Embassy in Azerbaijan disseminated a statement for press, whereby it is said that these tragic events and monstrous attacks have changed not only America, but also all the world. Real influence of these events is stronger than tortures of the survived and families of the killed, damage, which could affect security of the United States. The 11 September events showed that terror is a threat for all of us.
In start of this week, President Bush reminded how the combat against terrorism costs: “Triumph of democracy and tolerance in Iraq, Afghanistan and beyond their borders will become great defeat for the international terrorism. The terrorists base on despots and weakness of the suffered people. When they are overthrown, the weakness is replaced by the hope, and the people reject the ideology of terror and appeal the world. Moreover, there, where the freedom overcomes, the terror always faces defeat. As we all can be potential victims of hostile ideology and cannot limit the terrorists in reaching their goals, our states should condemn murder of innocent people and say “No!” to the hatred leading to force.”
In the statement for media, is said that President George Bush aiming at support of combat against terror and its coordination, held meetings with the leaders of over 90 countries. Above 70 states backed these efforts. Azerbaijan became important ally in these efforts and made great contributions to this cause.