Harvard and Duke universities’ alumnus conducts master class for UNEC students

Baku, March 30, AZERTAC
A graduate of the Universities of Harvard and Duke, the US, a senior teacher, expert in strategic communication, public speech, and ethical behavior William Beaman has conducted a master class on “Business Ethics” for students of Azerbaijan State University of Economics (UNEC).
The American instructor revealed a key factor in any code of ethics in the course of business relations within the lesson attended by the undergraduate and graduate students of all the faculties of UNEC. He drew attention to the factors which are considered unethical in business. Making a speech on real cases, strategic communications expert noted the secrets of higher ethical rules in business environment and different situations. Beaman who represented some ethic moral dilemma cases before the audience, heard UNEC students’ views on how to deal in existing situation. He praised UNEC students’ behavior and skills to discuss.