The Pope of Rome, Benedict XVI, on 24 April received bishops of the former soviet countries - Armenia, Georgia and Azerbaijan.
In the South Caucasus, the Moslems, Catholics, the Jews and Orthodox believers live in peace and co-existence, the Pope noted. “In Azerbaijan, tolerance is at high level, he stressed.”
“It is necessary to ensure that future generations in Armenia, Azerbaijan and Georgia have saintly priests who live their vocation with joy and generously dedicate themselves to caring for all the faithful.
"Since the fall of the Soviet Union," the Pope said, "your peoples have seen significant social changes along the road to progress. Yet difficult situations persist: many are the poor, the unemployed, and the refugees whom war has forced from their homes."
Nonetheless, he noted, "the flame of the Gospel" has not been extinguished in the Caucasus, "despite there having been no lack of violent confrontations, both internal and from outside, which have caused many victims, among whom the Church includes many martyrs of the faith."
Bishops of the South Caucasian countries are in Rome for their five-yearly visit.
Azerbaijan is represented by Bishop Ian Chapla.