“The Presidential Library in 20 Years: Bibliography” book presented

Baku, January 31, AZERTAC
On January 31, the Presidential Library of the Administrative Department of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan hosted the presentation ceremony of the book "The Presidential Library in 20 Years: Bibliography".
The bibliographic guide dedicated to the 20th anniversary of the establishment of the Presidential Library compiles published materials on the formation of the library's document and information collection, the development of digital resources and bibliographic information sources, as well as interlibrary and international relations.
In the bibliographic guide, the major dates of the Library’s history (2003-2023) are represented through articles published in newspapers and journals, publications, and bibliographies of books co-authored by the Library, arranged alphabetically by year. Sections on the “Library’s Activities on Internet Pages” and “Digital Projects of the Library” are also included in the guide.
An alphabetical index of authors has been compiled to facilitate the use of the bibliographic index.
The book presentation was attended by Leyla Mammadova, Deputy Head of the Administrative Department of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan, Mayil Ahmadov, Honored Worker of Culture, Elmira Alakbarova, Director of the Public-Political Documents Archive of the Presidential Administration of the Republic of Azerbaijan, Huseyn Huseynov, Director of the Central Scientific Library of ANAS, Elchin Mammadov, Director of the ADA University Library, Nigar Ismayilova, Director of the BSU (Baku State University) Scientific Library, Ziyafet Eminova, Director of the Library of the Azerbaijan Medical University, Aygun Kochak, Head of the Scientific Research and Methodological Support Department of the Azerbaijan National Library, Alamdar Bayramov, Dean of the Faculty of Information and Document Management of BSU, and Nadir Ismayilov, Head of the Department of Bibliography of the Faculty of Information and Document Management of BSU. The guests had the opportunity to visit the exhibition dedicated to the 20th anniversary of the Presidential Library, which was organized in the Art Room as part of the event.
The event was opened with an introductory speech by Professor Afet Abbasova, Director of the Presidential Library. Later, Sonakhanim Abasova, head of the Library-Bibliographic Services Section and compiler of the book, provided detailed information about the book.
Within the framework of the event, Deputy Head of the Administrative Department of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Leyla Mammadova presented the “Labor” Order of the 2nd degree conferred by the Decree of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan to Honored Worker of Culture Mayil Ahmadov for his long-term and effective service in the field of library science in Azerbaijan.
Libraries are essential centers that make significant contributions to the cultural and intellectual development of society. Their activities are indispensable for the dissemination of knowledge, support of scientific research, and preservation of culture. In their speeches, the event participants highlighted the Presidential Library’s contributions to the development of Azerbaijani culture and science over the past 20 years, its transformation into a center that meets the demands of the modern era, and the importance of its achievements in this field.