The 12th Kuwaiti humanitarian planeload takes off to Syria

Baku, January 27, AZERTAC
The 12th Kuwaiti planeload took off on Sunday to Damascus International Airport with 33 tons of foodstuff and necessary relief material on board as part of "Kuwait by Your Side" campaign by Kuwait Relief Society and a number of other charities in coordination with various state ministries, the Kuwait News Agency (KUNA) reported.
Kuwait Relief Society Chief of Board of Directors Dr. Ibrahim Al-Saleh told KUNA that the society and its partners all rushed to provide relief and support to humanitarian situations and alleviate people's suffering and burdens.
Society of the Revival of Islamic Heritage official Tareq Al-Batni told KUNA that they are coordinating and following up with the Syrian Red Crescent to ensure identifying needs and providing necessary aid.
Al-Abdulgahfour hailed efforts of all Kuwaiti bodies including Ministry of Defense, Social Affairs Ministry and Ministry of Foreign Affairs.