Azerbaijan joins ECAC meeting in Paris
Baku, April 25 (AZERTAC). Azerbaijan State Civil Aviation Administration officials Arif Mammadov and Fariz Aliyev participated in the 138th meeting of the Directors General of the European Civil Aviation Conference (ECAC) in Paris.
The meeting focused on the challenges faced by ECAC member states in the field of safety, environmental protection and security.
President of ECAC Catalin Radu and Executive Secretary Salvatore Shikitano informed Directors about their visit to Baku on March 13-16, spoke about the successes of the Azerbaijani civil aviation and a new complex of Azerbaijan National Academy of Aviation.
The European Civil Aviation Conference (ECAC) or Conférence Européenne de l'Aviation Civile (CEAC) is an intergovernmental organization which was established by the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) and the Council of Europe. It is located in Neuilly-sur-Seine, Paris, France. Founded in 1955 with 19 Member States at the time, ECAC counts today 44 members, including all 27 EU, 30 of the 31 European Aviation Safety Agency and all 39 EUROCONTROL Member States. ECAC "promotes the continued development of a safe, efficient and sustainable European air transport system. In doing so, it seeks to harmonise civil aviation policies and practices amongst its Member States and promote understanding on policy matters between its Member States and other parts of the world". Its strategic priorities are safety, security and the environment.