Ethiopia's Lower Valley of Omo

Baku, October 27, AZERTAC
The Lower Valley of the Omo is located in south-western Ethiopia.
The property extends over an area of 165 km2. The age old sedimentary deposits in the Lower Omo Valley are now world renowned for the discovery of many hominid fossils, that have been of fundamental importance in the study of human evolution.
The Lower Omo Valley includes the Konso and Fejej paleontological research locations with sedimentary deposit going back to the plio-pleistocene period. These have produced numerous hominid and animal fossils, including fragments of Australopithecus, group of extinct primates closely related to, if not actually ancestors of, modern human beings.
Inscribed on UNESCO World Heritage List in 1980, the property contributes to prominent archaeological, geological, paleo-anthropological and paleo-environmental studies.